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Topic subjectDoes seemingly slow skill gains correlate to level ever?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=41227
41227, Does seemingly slow skill gains correlate to level ever?
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems like all too often you want to practice something and your skill gains have been fine lately, then you hit a brick wall and don't get a skill gain in ages. But leveling or ranking with a group when you were solo, and magically it's burst skill gains for mucho amounts.

Is this just an extremely crazy coincidence every time? Or is it something in the code to make people want to level, maybe some other reason?

If I didn't go out of my way to level to make sure I wasn't at a dead spot would my skills still be learning at the same rate as if I ranked once?

Anyways, just curious because it's annoying sometimes when you can't find that group to level and all you want to do is practice skills. I think the general populous would agree that they come across this frequently on their characters.
41230, RE: Does seemingly slow skill gains correlate to level ever?
Posted by highbutterfly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Does it have to do the difficulty of the mobs you solo skill practice on versus rank on with a group? Higher mob difficulty = better chance of skill again.

There's other affects, such as morale.

Daevryn has said that invokers learn their spells easier as they level up, and the affect is appreciable, but I don't know if that applies to other skills/spells.
41229, RE: Does seemingly slow skill gains correlate to level ever?
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It seems like all too often you want to practice something
>and your skill gains have been fine lately, then you hit a
>brick wall and don't get a skill gain in ages. But leveling or
>ranking with a group when you were solo, and magically it's
>burst skill gains for mucho amounts.
>Is this just an extremely crazy coincidence every time? Or is
>it something in the code to make people want to level, maybe
>some other reason?

The only place level factors into skill improvements are to make sure you are high enough level to learn the skill, and it adds your level into the chance for success. Though even at level 51 this only increases your chance by 51/1000.

>If I didn't go out of my way to level to make sure I wasn't at
>a dead spot would my skills still be learning at the same rate
>as if I ranked once?

41234, Crazyness, thanks Mr. Zulg
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess it's just one of those hindsight things where it seems like it when it really isn't.
41259, Zulg, do you ever think...
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That some skills will have their learning rate looked at again? For example, the low level shifter partial shifts. Claws of the lion, chitin of the crab, fangs of the serpent, etc. All do not seem to level up very fast. And you really are only going to constantly be using them at low levels until you get a form. It just irks me that the skills will always be right around 75 percent. Even with one I think the highest I got it was 82% or so on horns last time I played a shifter.

I think these low level spells are nice but I cant see how anyone would perfect these skills or if there is even a point in doing so.

Anyway, its just a thought.
41280, I might be wrong...
Posted by Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I seem to remember that you can cast these spells even if you're already affected by the partial shift and still learn them that way. Anyone know?
41261, armor use skills
Posted by Explosion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In almost 500 hours with int 22-23 I never had mystical/light/bone/etc armor use higher than 90% (and yes, i was tanking all the time with non-shifter and was wearing at least one piece of such armor).

Is it possible to correct this skill to make it grow up a little quicker? I've checked some PBF's and a from random 30 heroes, only two had mystical armor use 100% (one of them Allysia with 1000+ hour played).

Light armor use is a little better, at least 20% had it 100%.

Bone armor use - couldn't find anyone with this skill maxed or even higher than 80%.

Dragonbone - is it a mystical armor? Or maybe if there are so little bone armor, it can work with the bone armor use? Earlier, there were said that "dragon armor use skill can be gained somehow, but not usual way". What happened to this idea?
41265, Allysia = bard, so no mystical armor use skill
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And 945 hours. Light armor was perfected though. Of course, it was perfected probably by 100 hours. All my chars perfect light/metal armor probably sub 100 hours usually, but then I'm prone to solo ranking for the first 30 levels. And I make a point of wearing mostly armor types of the skills my char has.

It's actually pretty easy to max any armor skill, but you have to use more than a piece or two of that set. If you wear 7,8 pieces of light armor and fight tough mobs, it'll go up pretty quick.

Mystical is anything made of energy or an element I think. It also has to be classified as armor, not clothing or treasure.
So if you wear maybe 5+ pieces of it, you'll get it perfected relatively quickly.

Thing is most mages I imagine don't use a lot of mystical armor because there are better stats on light/metal pieces.
Same can be said for bone, the rarity of bone armor plays into it.
Stone armor too.
It's more a function of people not wearing those armor types than anything that you don't see the skills perfected.

Dragonbone is its own specific skill, which I believe has to be imm given.
41279, Armor use tip: Use a shield
Posted by Boney on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With my Arial, I had both light and bone armor use at 100% right after mastering shield block. It gets checked a LOT.