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Topic subjectAttacking pets and zombies
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40905
40905, Attacking pets and zombies
Posted by Play a necromancer today! on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How do villagers that are not in my pk range keep attacking and destroying armies that it takes me an hour to raise? Just curious, find it rather strange that four 2500 hp zombies, a ghoul, and golem die in just under two minutes. Are bloodlusted berserkers able to attack zombies and pets that are not in their range if the player controlling them are not present?

I prayed on it but did not recieve and answer. Might not have the best method to ask the question, so I'll try here instead.

This is the second time it has happened. Erks me out, so I decided to take a break for the night before I started hollering at the wrong people. What perplexes me even more was the speed in which he logged off after doing it or why he felt it appropriate to do it and then log off. Specially since he's an evil character and I was fighting a paladin at the time.

Any input anybody has to offer on the situation would be appreciated, because I am confused.
40944, how do you know your zombie hp? no text
Posted by dude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
40942, RE: Attacking pets and zombies
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's worth mentioning that your undead will assist each other if they are in the same room, even if you aren't there. I've actually managed to die to someone's zombies when I attacked one and didn't manage to hit it in the first round.
40916, RE: Attacking pets and zombies
Posted by Paladin you fought at Inn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>This is the second time it has happened. Erks me out, so I
>decided to take a break for the night before I started
>hollering at the wrong people. What perplexes me even more was
>the speed in which he logged off after doing it or why he felt
>it appropriate to do it and then log off. Specially since he's
>an evil character and I was fighting a paladin at the time.

Believe you spoke to me and asked if I was killing them, I told you it was the ragers which was accurate, I was tracking you to Balator at the time or would have killed them myself. If it helps at all the ragers were out of my range and I think killing your pets out of general principle, rather than to aid me as we are definitely not friendly. Yesterday I walked in on the same rager battling with another Hero and healed his foe, leading to the ragers death and some unkind words being exchanged.

40913, RE: Attacking pets and zombies
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Are players able to attack zombies and pets that
>are not in their range if the player controlling them are not


>Any input anybody has to offer on the situation would be
>appreciated, because I am confused.

Keep your army with you if you don't want people killing them who are not in your range.
40907, Always been like that
Posted by Tzaritzawah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you can summon away druid's pets too, if you know what they are using, even out of PK.

I don't think either is good, though in my case it's not a problem anymore (thanks to umbra).

But you can summon your zombies if they are not in combat. Before going to the fight, make sure you know which numbers your zombies have and if things go bad - go to a safe spot and summon them. Killing zombies with 2,5k hps takes some time.

But yes, if mobs out of your PK range would be non-summonable, it would be fair to the young necromancers and druids.
40912, There is a simple way to avoid this
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The summoning part at least.

Step 1, raise your army
Step 2, go to the galadon graveyard and kill the low level zombies

Now they have to cut through all the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. zombies that respawn in the graveyard before being able to summon your zombies.
40906, RE: Attacking pets and zombies
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How do villagers that are not in my pk range keep attacking
>and destroying armies that it takes me an hour to raise? Just
>curious, find it rather strange that four 2500 hp zombies, a
>ghoul, and golem die in just under two minutes. Are
>bloodlusted berserkers able to attack zombies and pets that
>are not in their range if the player controlling them are not

This is correct, though it's even more general. Any player can attack charmed mobs (zombies, ghoul, golem, druid Treant/CoW, shawtawbbies, special guards, etc) if their master is not in the same room.

Also, as an FYI - you can summon charmie mobs out of PK, at which point they're no longer in the room with you, and anyone can kill them. I've lost many a zombie horde from bored hero paladins.

>This is the second time it has happened. Erks me out, so I
>decided to take a break for the night before I started
>hollering at the wrong people. What perplexes me even more was
>the speed in which he logged off after doing it or why he felt
>it appropriate to do it and then log off. Specially since he's
>an evil character and I was fighting a paladin at the time.

Don't forget, just because you're evil, and someone else is evil, doesn't mean they instantly like you over a paladin. Many of my evil characters dislike other evil MORE because they're seen as more dangerous competition.

>Any input anybody has to offer on the situation would be
>appreciated, because I am confused.

Hope this helps.