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Topic subjectRegarding the Shrine
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40733, Regarding the Shrine
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a public service announcement regarding the shrine:

When it first went in (read, when the religion went live), you couldn't get into the actual shrine. That's been fixed now, so feel free to check out the shrine, which you can get into now.

Also, feel free to share your thoughts about the shrine.
40838, Room of Wisdom
Posted by Shrine Hunter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was in the shrine - the wisdom room is for studying, and mediation. There is nothing to read other than the inscription. Perhaps if you wish to put something to read (one of the books or journals) describing your religion more how wisdom, passion, courage plays a part in it...

I love the idea of your religion but I the enigma of the 13 is just that an enigma, I don't see how it plays with the protection of culture and promotion of knowledge. IT just seems Obsessive Compulsive.

I'll shoot you an e-mail if you don't want to dump it out here.

Suffice to say I'm anxiously looking to follow but I can't follow what I don't understand.

40854, 13
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Probably best to hash it out here in public for the benefit of everyone. From what I can surmise from your post, the bit about 13 is the part that confuses you the most, so I'll address that first. Basically, the number 13 will have a great significance to his followers, somehow, someway. How that plays itself into your role will be completely up to you. I'm looking for originality here. Maybe it is something small at first (but definitely somewhere in your past (read role)). Obviously, the significance of this number in your character's life will grow over time, the closer you are to Whiysdan and his religion. Hopefully that answers your question about that bit, but if not, feel free to reply and I'll clarify where needed.

As to the stuff written in the shrine, I left it a little bare on purpose. In my eyes, the people/beings of Thera know very little of Whiysdan at this point. As more happens and people discover more of what he's about, the shrine will change and more content will be added.

Good luck to you!
40893, Confussion deepens...
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay so how does a religeon spring up around the number 13? I get that your Imm character holds the number sacred, but is it realistic to think that there are enough people in the realms that base their spiritual exsistance off the specific number 13?

I mean there are litterally an infinite number of other numbers to chose from. What's more, what would make their choice of 13 relevant to you with reguard to them.

I can see Imperials (AKA Russians) going along the lines of "I'm lucky I had 13 people with me when I we ganked that Fortress guy.

Nosir, I don't get it!
40894, Ask in game ~
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
40896, Why ask in game?
Posted by Meoilaxenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here is the best OOC place to understand the way a religion's epistemologies and metaphysics play out.
40897, RE: Confussion deepens...
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only said that the number 13 would be important to his followers. It doesn't have to rule their life or anything, but it'll be apart of their life somehow. It isn't a religion based around a number, it's just something that they feel is very lucky, so it'll be in their past somehow, someway.

Hope that helps.

40909, I'm beyond help. :)
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems like it's "sphere 13" to me.

But that's alright, not trying to bash on you, I just don't get it so I thought I would ask.

Thank you for reply.
40935, RE: I'm beyond help. :)
Posted by GrahamC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What if i told you that the divine number of the Christian god is 7?
40943, Graham's response does explain it a little bit.
Posted by Batman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Many cultures and religions have sacred numbers.

Is this because the number is something ACTUALLY unique, or that it IN REALITY causes anything? No.

It's because it is symbolically associated with things dear to their beliefs. Take, as he said, how an association might be made with the number 7 as a Christian. God made the earth in 7 days (Or six and a chiller).

Or 108 "The number 108 is considered sacred in many Eastern religions and traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and connected yoga and dharma based practices. The individual numbers 1, 0, and 8 represent one thing, nothing, and everything (infinity). 108 represents the ultimate reality of the universe as being (seemingly paradoxically) simultaneously One, emptiness, and infinite <...> For example, Hindu deities have 108 names, whilst in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, there are 108 gopis of Vrindavan."


So, in these religions, you might note that people almost LOOK FOR the presence of said numbers and then sit around in awe. So, perhaps, in the Whiysdan religion, things can work the same way, except in a more Theran sense (where things can be more radically associated with the number .

So maybe this number, when seen, means that good things are going to come about. Or that your god is present. Or that it's a lucky thing.

Maybe two people are asking you to rank, and you do whois X and whois Y. Ends up Y is rank 13 - aha! This can't be a coincidence, it's meant that you head off with Y, as something good will come of it!

Maybe 13 stars flickered upon your birth, and you were born on Friday the 13th(IRL number superstition, dawg), etc.

I think it's a fun idea, as it lets people who may have difficulty just coming up with random flat out obsessions to attach themselves, as a branch, to the obsession of the number. Adds some fun, lets people be creative, and it's great to have some seemingly superstitious people controlled by such a mundane thing(a number).

Anyway, I could be way off, but here are some links I hope help you feel more comfortable with supernatural number association:


At Jesus Christ's last supper, there were thirteen people around the table, counting Christ and the twelve apostles.
