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Topic subjectDo paladin essences equate to additional supplications?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40601
40601, Do paladin essences equate to additional supplications?
Posted by Belkiran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Does earning an essence(I assume this is accomplished through IMMteraction/RP) result in learning new supplications beyond 'Essence of..." ? I noticed on premium character sheets supplications like Fire and Brimstone, Light of Heaven, steadfast heart, etc. Or are these earned separately with edge points?

If it's from an Essence, it seems odd that a character like Morin who has only the Essence of Retribution, I would think an offensive essence, has a defensive supplication like Sacred Rites, any rhyme or reason to the spread of supplications to essence?

40604, Those are from Virtues
Posted by Bhowaer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most of the virtues have a commune as part of the things that come with that virtu that is an essence. Check out the skill page on qhcf.net, or mostly likely the skill page on officials (not sure if it is there as well) and it will show each virtue and the skills/communes that come with them.

They are completely imm granted, and 1 is pretty standard, 2 is good, and 3 is for the most elite and long lived pallies.
40603, Additional Paladin Skillgroups.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Generally termed "Virtues", these are six additional skill-groups that are often awarded to paladins based on RP. If you check a Paladin's PBF under "Class Specifics", it will tell you what dedication they picked, and what virtues were awarded to them.

Typically, a Paladin with often earn one set of Virtues through sheer effort of trying, and it's not unexpected to gain a second virtue later in life. Either via showing continued RP, or sheer longevity, etc. Three tends to only be awarded to AMAZINGLY exception RP & longevity.

It is also possible that Immortals can award a single skill from any of these sets as a small bonus at any point.
40617, RE: Additional Paladin Skillgroups.
Posted by Crs250 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Found the skillgroups on Dioxides, thank you for that. That makes things much clearer.