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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGhosts, Bards, Summon, Lullaby, PK.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40579
40579, Ghosts, Bards, Summon, Lullaby, PK.
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just some random thoughts I wanted to run by everyone.

As a ghost/bard you cannot sing certain songs while a ghost.
Songs like lullaby, symphony of echoes, battagalia, etc.

I understand this can help an advantage of game mechanics, but
also severely hampers gearing/re-gearing.

Summoners, per conversation with An Immortal in game, argues that
summon is important for gearing, and that's why ghosts have it.

My arguement or what have you why is it that I can take someone out of my PK range by PK'ing them, and they can run right back to their
cabal and start summoning high-level mobs as a ghost and gain leverage in PK against me as a ghost?

My question springs from praying about it, and the response I gather in summary is that summon is important for ghosts to have, and not going ot be taken away.

If it's that important to regear...

1. Why do bards lose so many songs they could regear with?
2. Is it not exploiting game mechanics to use summon to
gain advantange in PK as a ghost, ie. Right after being PK'd?
3. Maybe using summon inside cabals to summon outside mobs should
be removed to prevent this (can this be limited to ghosts?)

I just thought it would be worthy of discussion.

Any thoughts?
40585, RE: Ghosts, Bards, Summon, Lullaby, PK.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think summon is pretty fair as-is, FYI.

I also never felt that gimped as a regearing bard. Several other classes (IMHO) have it worse for solo ghost regearing.
40580, Having played both a bard and a summoner recently...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I see no imbalance present nor any reason to really discuss it further.

Summon has always been an out-of-pk type of skill. Lower (or higher) level characters who are not in a bard's (or invoker's) PK range can also summon mobs to interfere with area effect type of things. Also ragers who are thirsting, etc.

It's part of the mechanic, part of the risks of those classes, and is balanced just fine.
40582, Whoa whoa, chill out bro
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's just a constructive post for discussion, no need to get
defensive or close the door before anyone has even had a chance
to mull it over, but I certainly appreciate your input.

Seriously though, I fiend a summoner in PK, he runs into a cabal, dies. Comes back and can just spam Summon Elite Dwarf to repel a bard from raiding? This is game balance?

If this isn't an obvious exploitation of a game mechanic
I don't know what is. I understand this isn't an often enough situation, but if that arguement holds true, what about the other
issues I brought up?

What about bards that can't distort a mob as a ghost to regear, but a summoner doesn't even have to leave a safe area to pull in mobs
to a spot best suitable to him?

I know you have played a couple characters, I respect that. No need to just wave off a constructive discussion, that's just selfish and self-centered.