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Topic subjectAP's axes. Poor, poor AP's.
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398, AP's axes. Poor, poor AP's.
Posted by Maelifarau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They, poor creatures, gathering souls for weeks, months, years, but we all know, someday they WILL loose their axe. And axe would be immedietly destroyed. And AP would delete soon as that happens (+/- few hours of depression).

Players begged to protect AP's from axe destruction while ghosted for years, and, at last, AP's saved. Hurray. But it's not enough.

I offer you idea (and let's begin begging right now, so in a few years it will probably be implemented) to give AP's some chances. Such as:

Axe, is it containts more, than, let's say, 30 souls, cannot be sacrificed for... (number of souls * 20 + 100) ticks, let's say. This way AP would have a chance to regain his axe.

Also, other players probably shall not be able to quit with this axe, or give it to the mobs (like cabal items).

400, retrieval of axes
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I managed to get Fazril's axe back from my first two deaths (thankfully, since they were both caused by bugs). Wasn't until I died on north road with my recall point as Arkham that I failed to get back to my corpse in time.

Also, there are good reasons not to sacrifice an APs axe. I kept Harokatsu's so I could give it to another AP to leech. However, there are also tactical reasons to keep an AP's axe, for future fights against them.