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Topic subjectHerald idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=39355
39355, Herald idea
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What are everyone's thoughts on making it so that Heralds show up in the who list like Tribunal whenever they're in the Inn?

Like say for example Inndude is out exploring or ranking or what have you when you do a who he'd show up like most other characters:
<51 Fluffy Pillow> Inndude the Bane of all Bars

But then he decides to relax in his cabal after a hard day of exhausting the box of alcoholics so now his name shows up on the who list as:
<51 Fluffy Pillow> Inndude the Bane of all Bars

This way people can learn who the Heralds are instead of randomly just popping into the Inn and hoping someone is there.
39420, Mixed feelings
Posted by Kelstrane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On one hand: YAY for making heralds more accessible and driving player interaction! A herald with that tag might find a lot more people interacting with him, because they assume he's inn-sitting and therefore available. That'd be awesome, as inn-sitting can get real boring sometimes and occasionally I'll log on, starved for interaction, and find nothing to do.

On the other hand: Its like painting a gigantic target on my back for people with deathblow. Seriously, whilst talking to people, I have a disturbing tendency to get violated out of form, and this would probably just make it worse by giving away my location every time I'm out of form. Sad.
39412, Fort idea
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What are everyone's thoughts on making it so that Marans show up in the who list like Tribunal whenever they're in the Fortress?

Like say for example Inndude is out exploring or ranking or what have you when you do a who he'd show up like most other characters:
<51 Flaming Sword> Fortdude the Bane of all Evil

But then he decides to relax in his cabal after a hard day of
hunting evil so now his name shows up on the who list as:
<51 Flaming Sword> <FORTRESS> Fortdude the Bane of all Evil

This way people can learn who the Marans are instead of randomly just popping into the Fortress and hoping someone is there.

If you want people to know who Heralds are, just give them titles like Imperials have instead of giving away their location to their enemies when they are in their cabal.
39396, Maybe you meant: (??)
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Example 1: <51 Fluffy Pillow> Inndude the Bane of all Bars
Example 2: <51 Fluffy Pillow> < HERALD > Inndude the Bane of all Bars

Right? (You can't use what you really want to use there because the whole word between them get's removed.

Good idea in my eyes.
39404, Yeah that. That's what I get for not previewing before posting. Thanks. nt
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM