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Topic subjectSize Modifications and Flight indicators
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39304, Size Modifications and Flight indicators
Posted by Basher on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it would make sense to have size modifications (reduced/ enlarge) indicated someway in what is seen in a potential target in the same way other things such as sanctuary and some other effects are. For example If I am a human, and I am fighting a dwarf, I would notice he is actually as big as a giant before I start bashing him. Same thing for flight. If I am going to trip someone, I would probably be able to notice his feet are not on the ground before i tried to knock them out from under him.
39353, Bash Indicator
Posted by Wayward Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What if instead of making a longer prep-list like was already mentioned (Red Aura) (White Aura)(Enlarged) BashMe the Gnome is here.

You had something like this instead

(Him bigger than you)
You rush towards Bashme and slam into his knees!

You throw your body full force into Bashme's legs!

The indicator that you are bashing something larger than yourself came from the result text from your bash action, during combat?

(You bigger than him)
You bring your full weight to bear, slamming Bashme and knocking him senseless!

You send Bashme flying with a full-on body blow!

(Same size)
You slam your shoulder into Bashme's chest!

You tackle Bashme to the ground!
39376, This improves it a lot nt
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
39377, I dig it.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Santa Zulg that #### if they don't pick it up until then.
39317, Consider is overpowered. Just like look. Do you also want a notification whether or not they have the gear to stomp you in 2 rounds?
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Common sense and deductive reasoning can come into play here. If you're both human sized and you both see each other coming then chances are the other guy are going to use whatever preps he has on hand to give himself the advantage. These being flight and/or enlarge.

If you're human-sized and the other guy is giant-sized and he's not a villager chances are he'll probably enlarge. Since being bigger gives him an advantage. Or maybe he'll expect you to reduce and reduce as well to match you so he can still bash you. Etc.

I personally like the way things are because it adds a bit more tactics to the game.
39315, I HATE this idea
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It basically makes reduce and enlarge close to useless.
39309, Seems like...
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that would make for some very long descriptions of people in the room.

(white aura)(gold aura)(orderly aura)(flying)(reduced)(purple aura)(blade barrier)... and so on.

Also, seems like some coding for little gain. All you lose right now on a trip vs flying or bash vs reduced is the single pulse it takes for the command to go through right?

Or is there lag involved?

I'd say if no lag then it's not worth a change. Lag? Certainly worth changing, if just to reduce the lag. Since your character would obviously notice the person is flying/unbashable in those instances.

Adding too many identifiers like that also detracts from that scout ability...discern? To see what is affecting them at the time. Or... you could make it a part of discern and let those who have discern see some more flags.
39311, The places were this has a little more impact.....
Posted by Basher on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
isn't the fights where you can't bash/trip whatever but the fights were you keep doing something with a size disadvantage (i.e. bashing an opponent one size larger)and never realize it. I guess if you consider them, you would see it, but that typically isn't something you ever see anyone do in pk. Granted, if you are normally the same size as your opponent and pay attention to this type of thing you have probably enlarged yourself anyway making it a wash, but it may not always be the case, especially if you are in a cabal which limits what you can do via preps.
39312, It sounds like you came up with your own solution "consider"
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People may not necessarily do it much, but maybe you should. May be that slight edge you need.
39308, Related idea
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see visible flags being a mixed bag--they can relay vital information in a hurry, but they can clutter up the display to where you have to read a half a line of text before you even get to the character name. People gripe about a few customized short descriptions, but imagine seeing

(Flying)(Invis)(Golden)(Enlarged)(Flaming)(Electricity) A black jaguar with golden eyes peeks over Morin the paladin's shoulder is here.

Good lord. Imagine all the other flags that likely could be determined in this way. Clutter galore, and that really awesome Discern skill would lose some of its pizzazz.

The only way I'd like this added would be if each viewer could customize which of the flags were visible using a simple toggle like we have with channels.
39310, Damn your conciseness beat me by a few seconds.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I definitely agree user controlled if it were ever decided to add something like this.