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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectLooting lowbies
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=39244
39244, Looting lowbies
Posted by LootedLowbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why can heroes loot people who are level 5?

Today I started a character, played for 7 hours, then got killed by a mob and had a hero loot all the gold I had (plus an item I had found). When I asked about it he just said "haha I'm greedy" and when I tried to RP offering him a favor to get the gold back he just turned on ignore.

Now I'm not a noob fresh off the boat, so I know I'm stupid for not banking the gold sooner, and CF is a harsh PK environment, and that he's evil so whatever it's fine RP. Even knowing all that, I still came really close to deleting and never coming back. If I was a new player you can be damned sure I would be trashing CF right now on every site I could think of. To be honest, I was really tempted to do exactly that, but decided not to because I do like CF and want more people to play.

Even though I've played CF for more than a little bit I was genuinely surprised at the level of cruelty there. I mean what kind of person, as a hero, takes 6 hours worth of gold gathering from a level 5 non-enemy that they had never interacted with and refuses to even talk about giving it back? I knew we had some jerks around here but I honestly didn't think anyone was really such an utterly contemptible azzhole. Guess I was naive.

All this whining aside, can we just make it so nobody can loot newbie corpses except the newbie himself?
39250, Food for thought
Posted by Helpful Reminder on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It might take you SIX HOURS to have gathered your gold, and once it's gone you're back to where you started. But perhaps take a step back and think about how you're gathering gold, is it really worth your time? Could there be a better, faster way?

In six hours I could gather HUNDREDS of gold. This is a fact. And at level 5.

So instead of ranting, wake up and realize that you've wasted six hours on something inefficient. Also, if the gold is that important to you, put it in a bank so when you die you don't run the risk of having it looted.

39251, I guess you started CF with this gold gathering knowledge?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point is to protect NEWbies.
39247, Cosign. 10 and under cant loot other people...
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would be totally fine with not being able to be looted till level 11 either. It should be a double edged sword, and no newbie will have anything worth looting anyways honestly.
39248, they can pit loot
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd hate to be pit looted by a level 5 and them die and me not be able to snag my junk back
39249, Really?
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'd hate to be pit looted by a level 5 and them die and me
>not be able to snag my junk back

Does it really matter? What are your odds of seeing that lowbie who looted your pimp set die? The biggest danger is that they log off and thereby de facto sac your whole set.
39294, True, but
Posted by BaronMySoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Report it to magistrate: They're Wanted and won't last long, then take your stuff back.

I do see the counterpoints here.

Scenario 1: Lowbie at level 5 gets a hero's corpse pit loot, ends up with 100 gold and all limited gear. ~For this, I'd say it should be coded that anyone can loot the limited gear and all gold except 1 gold per level. They just learned the hard way not to pit loot.

Scenario 2: Lowbie has gear bought from Galadon and a garnet ring, but died trying to get another one. They have maybe 45 silver because they were saving up to buy a wool cloak. Hero comes along, sees the corpse, takes the coins, takes other items to ID (because who actually buys Galadon gear??) ~Should be coded that the lowbie can't be looted here. Or maybe this should just apply to those who answer "yeah" to "Are you a damn noob??"
39314, Looting lowbies should be allowed
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since lowbies CAN still get get before they can loot.

For example, on of my shifters ended up with a great set pre level 10, because he tipped off a hero ranger that another hero was hiding in the Forest of Nowhere. The ranger killed the other hero, and dropped all his gear onto the ground for me to pick through. Sure, it was just butcher back then, but he did it on purpose so I could pick through the loot, as a thank you. He could easily have grabbed from the corpse and dropped instead.