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Topic subjectpolearm
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39078, polearm
Posted by newbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like polearm and human. but as I tried the combination (just to level 30), it was awful IMO.
What's your idea? human/pole is good?
what race for pole is better in your idea?
is it worth to go pole?
and what is good to be paired with pole?
39079, Stick with it past 30
Posted by BaronMySoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, answers to your questions:
- (1/2)I've had human polearm spec and I felt that I tanked better than I did with spear.
- (3) I feel like polearm works well with a dextrous race, moreso than with giant. Distance works better with giant, but I tend to parry/dodge/distance really well with, say, an arial, elf, or felar.
- (4) It's as worth it to go polearm as it is to go any other specialization. There are weaknesses and there are strengths.

Polearm is a utility specialization. It's great for defense, it's great for disarming, and it's great for stopping enemies from initiating combat.

However, it doesn't do much beyond that. Cutoff has always been really hard for me to increase in use, but others have found ways to do it. Unless you have a high average polearm at hero with several choice legacies, you're not going to dish out very much damage. They also seem to be parried easily. Your effectiveness with distance is size-dependent, meaning you'll distance a bit less than someone giant-sized would (there are actually some edible preps which are very cheap to grant enlarge - ask around for help in finding them).

That said, you'll also need to perfect your defenses to get the most out of your weapon specialization. Were your weapons, including hand to hand, perfected or at least in the 90s? Were your parry, dodge, and distance skills perfected or at least in the 90s? These things make a huge difference. As a warrior, you need to find some balance between taking the front and letting someone else stand in front. When you're not ranking, you need to be spending time practicing your weapons skills.
39080, RE: Stick with it past 30
Posted by newbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
so which one you suggest? str-human or dex-human or other human or other dexy races or even giants?
39085, RE: Stick with it past 30
Posted by BaronMySoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked it with arial, so dexy races. If you're not going giant, then go dex human. Your strength will be high enough that you can wield poles up to 33 lbs and you won't dodge like a turnip.

Chop, however, seems strength based. I got better mileage out of thrust and slice.

Other people are welcomed to chime in.