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38492, Cabal Recommendations
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could someone be as so kind to explain to me the point of getting a recommendation to join a cabal? I mean I think I understand how it got started way back when there was a much larger playerbase and the leaders of the respective cabals could not possibly go through each and every applicant on their own. So they would ask applicants to get recommendations as a sort of filter.
But these days the player base isn't that large. With usually no more than 40 characters online. Do cabals really still need people who want to join to go out and get recommendations? Obviously Empire doesn't do this because they're easy in easy out. Tribunal is similar. And even if the current Provost had people go out and get recommendations it's easy to see who is Tribunal whenever they're on duty. But what about the other cabals? How is someone who wants to try the other cabals for the first time supposed to get in if they have to go out and hunt down members of the cabal they want to join then have them find the time to sit down and listen to their story for a recommendation?
Outlander for example, is someone supposed to randomly send tells to every ranger and druid online asking them if they're Outlander and if they have the time to listen to them? For Battle would someone have to sit around in Galadon and wait for some warrior to attack a mage guild guard? Same for Fortress and Scion.
Thank you for your time.
38497, Help pledge.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To an extent I somewhat agree with you, that recommendations are more a product of a game that lived sometime 6-10 years ago.
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