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Topic subjectquestion for team edge
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38205, question for team edge
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This may be beating a a dead horse, but I don't recall ever getting definitive answers for these:

Re: the Ehren edges:

1. How likely is it that a relatively non-ganky caballed character who participates in raids and defenses with "normal" frequency will end up getting penalized by Ehren Soul/Lord?

2. Is the penalty applied on a per-battle basis or is it purely based on aggregate measures like gank-o-meter? Suppose a guy with an absurdly low gank-o-meter finds himself triple-teaming an opponent. Would the Ehren edges start working in reverse despite his low gank-o-meter because that particular battle is lopsided?
38217, RE: question for team edge
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1. How likely is it that a relatively non-ganky caballed
>character who participates in raids and defenses with "normal"
>frequency will end up getting penalized by Ehren Soul/Lord?

That depends on your relatively.

>2. Is the penalty applied on a per-battle basis or is it
>purely based on aggregate measures like gank-o-meter? Suppose
>a guy with an absurdly low gank-o-meter finds himself
>triple-teaming an opponent. Would the Ehren edges start
>working in reverse despite his low gank-o-meter because that
>particular battle is lopsided?

It's figured primarily per-battle. For example, trying to bash on someone who's fighting a bunch of other people will be more likely to fail if you have Ehren Soul no matter what your past ganging action looks like.

I'm not sure if that answers your questions. If not, try to reframe them and I'll take another stab at it.
38220, I'll take a stab at it.
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is something I've wondered about too.

Let's say that I play a character that plays during the day time. Most of his fights, by default, are going to be 1 vs. 1. I like fighting 1 vs. 1 most of the time anyways, so I don't even ever really think to make a group for the purpose of PK even when the option is there.

On Fridays it's my night off and I can play some weekends too. During these times there are others in my cabal and lots of raiding and counter raiding ensues. I'm not AS good in the raid situations because I have the Ehren edge, and I think we get that. Anti gang code is working against me. None the less my buddies are able to land their bashes, and I assist in 0-4 PKs a week while landing between 3-10 on my own. (I think this is probably typical for Isildur and I?)

The question is - when I'm back playing at 6am EST and there happens to be 3 Russian imperials who stayed up late trying to gang me down will boosted anti gang code from my Ehren edge still work FOR me? Does my Ehren edge not help me because for past couple months I've been killing in raid situations?

Further, when the roaming gang of Scions is out for elf blood and I've already assisted in 10 pks over the past month do I need to bravely tell my cabal mates that my honor won't let me join up with them? Do I need to go way out of my way to NOT gang if I have the Ehren edge - as though I were actually one of the original Ehren?

P.S A lot of people say they never could tell if the edge was working for them at all.
38225, RE: question for team edge
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly I'm trying to get at whether a reasonable participation in cabal raids and defenses would nerf the legacy for other one-on-one fights. Average group size per kill for my last few long-lived characters: 1.73, 1.46, 1.82, 1.49.
38231, RE: question for team edge
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're good for other one on one fights with that kind of character.
38232, RE: question for team edge
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for responding.