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Topic subjectCommand Suggestion: Role Summary / Character Traits
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=37876
37876, Command Suggestion: Role Summary / Character Traits
Posted by BaronMySoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Suggestion for two new commands:

I've been looking through a lot of imm comments in PBFs lately and one thing that pops up over and over is the imm comment summarizing the role. Is there a chance that we players can have an extra command for a role chapter whereby a role summary is attached? The reading imms can get the gist of what's going on if it's a tedious backstory and they need to interact sooner rather than later.

Also, a character traits command that maybe lists a few character motivations and the RP angle. Maybe your grunty Outlander doesn't talk like a savage because they are one, maybe Theran as a Second Language classes were harder than you realized and you're just laconically speaking in an accent. I think it would add context to the character, help create better character definition for the player, and be less confusing for voyeuristic imms who like to snoop.
37877, solution
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
instead of writing a novel white a description of your role and traits as your role.

If I was an im I would give anyone who made a role entry more than 2 paragraphs long negative xp.
37878, As a rule, I write a short summary entry even if I write a long one.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially if I feel that the Imms did not get my initial concept correctly. Adding a summary truly helps them in understanding what you are trying to convey and puts more context into the role written.

I have even sometimes included the character's quirks in this summary, more of a note to myself. But I do not always do this. :)
37879, RE: As a rule, I write a short summary entry even if I write a long one.
Posted by BaronMySoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've noticed people doing this and here's my only beef with it: You can't edit it later. A role, once submitted, can't be edited and there are times when a character summary becomes inaccurate if I want to "grow" the character later on. If you're playing a character for 150 hours plus, they've gone through a bit of life and shouldn't be the same person you made a backstory about at level 1.

Character traits could be something added to, displaying what they may have been at a certain realtime hour of the character's life.

Summaries should be about as long as a tweet.

To the "long roles are dumb" person, sometimes to truly convey a great story takes more than a couple of paragraphs. I've had both backstories and ongoing character development stories built into roles and two paragraphs is too limiting.
37880, solution
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
role + "Now character bobby joe has grown and while he used to love elves now he doesn't like them so much mostly because of X, Y, and Z"

You aren't locked into one summary.

Look you are simply asking for a tool that already exists. what would the point of adding a new command and/or set of features to perform the EXACT same purpose as the role command (ooc way to describe your character to imms). The only differentiation you are asking for is in how you title it. You can control what you call role entries in the subject line just do your novel then make a new role entry with the subject: Summary of novel and your problem is solved.

I will also take this time to say you shouldn't be writing novels as roles. If creative writing is what floats your boat then go ahead and do it. If you want other people to read it I suggest you post it in a public or semi public place. The only people who read roles during a char life are imms and if they are stuck reading your novels then they likely aren't doing other things that have a positive contribution to the game. Keep it to the point and save their time and let them spread the love.