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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectLoot-o-meter
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=37648
37648, Loot-o-meter
Posted by The Heretic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If this isn't being done already, I was wondering what people would think about tracking looting. I imagine the lowbie who loots a hero might think that noone will know about, or at least there is a good chance no imm will ever know. So what if every time you grabbed an item from a corpse it was written to the pfile. It should have no affect but indicate to the imms how the player acts. Things like ranks of the looter and looted, location, object taken and if the looter was involved in the kill could be included. There could also be entry in the premium with some overall stats without details.
37655, Something like this does exist
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's just not published in PBFs because honestly...it's not that interesting. When people start screaming about full-loots I usually go back and keep an eye on the numbers, and it's usually a small handful of people.

It tracks what percentage of gear you loot from your kills, what percentage of gear you loot from someone elses kill, and gives an overall looting reputation.

As far as Lhydia's concern further below about looting to give back, or identify and give back, that's all taken care of in the calculation (if you give it back, it's not counted as an item that you've looted).
37658, Even with totally accurate numbers like that.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It still doesn't cover every scenario. And each kill is a different scenario for me. For instance, was this dude a total #### in game? Did he "grief" other people endlessly? IE thieves and nightgaunts on low hanging fruit, etc. Did he throw ooc fits? Did he thteaten to full other people? Did he do nothing? Was he a great respectable foe? Die he have good rp sessions with said character? Bad ones?

My point is there is a million variables to looting that just cannot be calculated. I absolutely would full loot certain characters, to the pie, and I would do it more than once for some of those characters. Others I would leave EVERYTHING in their corpse, nomatter how nice the item, out of pure respect for a classy and great foe. Just recently I left a corpse or two that were LOADED, and I really wanted some for me, but felt it giving them back everything but coins would be the right thing to do, because I respected my foes and their effort. Just recently I also full looted a corpse, to the last piece, that I didn't even make. Regardless, I was fine with it because f said character. Everything has its place in cf, generally, if somebody is "grief" looting, the immortals have actualy been known to slap a bad title on them/pull them aside and tell them they are overdoing it. Aside from corpseguard and the merc changes, CF has gone more in the direction of "fair" looting for the most part. I don't mind it on either side.

Edited to add---The gank o meter is the same thing. Sure, it shows your average group number when killing. But it doesn't even come close to telling the true story. Homard used himself as a good example. A rager berserker with one of the highest gank o meters ever, on paper that looks HORRIBLE. If you didn't know him IC, you would have thought him a ganking bastard. But when you know the true story, you find out that the guy just raided, constantly, all login. And most if not all of these kills were in raid situations, group on group fights. Just looking at the gank o meter and never knowing him, you would not know just how good and fair a berserker he was.
37659, RE: Even with totally accurate numbers like that.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even with totally accurate numbers like that...you get the average response to what you do when you make or come across a corpse. Very similar to the gank-o-meter, yes. It's not there to tell the story of WHY you looted someone to the pies, or WHY you left all their gear, but it will tell you the average tendancy of how much you loot a corpse, and I'm fine with that.
37660, Hrm
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess It would seem ok and harmless to publish if Lhydias concerns were met. There are just so many situations though when Ill take an item, Identify it, then drop it. Or ill loot and leave things somewhere, or pass it to someone to id, and they drop it.

I guess its the same sort of code you use to track cheating and multicharring I imagine,? Cf actually tracks ownership of the item hand to hand and logs it somwhere so it has a history. (this keeps people from getting something on their alt, giving it to a buddy in game, and having him redistribuite to their main or something. I also assume mob kills are imprinted as well, stopping someone from clearing an area with their hero, never touching the armor but saccing the corpses, then coming back with a lowbie and picking up the extra stuff)

I dont know if either of those cases are true, but cheaters be warned, dont try that ####, they WILL catch you.
37649, Why?
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That would indicate in some way that full looting is unacceptable, but in truth, it's a big part of the game. Logging which items are taken from a corpse won't mean anything. It doesn't tell the situation, scenario, or circumstances that led up to the full looting. Basically, it almost implies that full looting would be frowned upon or punished in some way, when in fact, it shouldn't be.

I generally don't full loot, or reserve it for very few characters. But weather or not you track the armor I loot from a corpse, it really won't show anything important. Some people deserve a full loot. Some people don't. But I know, if I kill someone or find a corpse somewhere, everything in it becomes my property, unless I CHOOSE to leave some. Possession is 90% of ownership imo, and tracking looting, without showing circumstance or situations, will only add to people flaming people on their death threads cause they're being babies and found out who took thier shiny ####. (shiny #### that they have no right to, because they went out and died.)

It will promote bitching and whining, and we already get enough of that with todays sensitive cf playerbase. If you complained about looting 10 years ago, everyone would have cocked their head sideways at you and looked at you like you were dipped in ####. I remember when get all corpse;put all sack;get all corpse was pretty much the standard for EVERY death. ####, you didn't even go back to your corpse.

Cf has taken measures to prevent "griefing" looting. There is the corpseguard command, mercs can't carry hardly a 1/5 of what they could before, there is a nifty outfit command now to get you back on your feet. Everything else, is fair game, and shouldn't be judged based on a biased number that doesn't tell the whole story.

***I am noting now, I was NOT saying you were complaining about looting. You did no such thing in your post. But a change like this would PROMOTE whining and bitching more about looting, and thats just a broken record most are tiring of hearing.***
37650, How old we really are.
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I still remember that complaining 10 years ago.

Maybe like 15 years ago it wasn't bad?

Jeez that's a long long time. That's why when ppl state CF is going to die, I just laugh. That'll only happen if certain IMM's step down without others stepping up.

CF's in our blood now.
37651, Hrm. True. Ive said 10 years for like 6 years now.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its probably closer to 15 years ago honestly. I still miss that cf though, getting my ass whipped, and going and either getting a full set of blue dragon gear with a couple jeweled broadswords, or some platinum gear from diana, spiky green armor with a couple nightwing cloaks, etc. Then you took that trash, killed someone decked, and took all their ####, and it started over.

Oh, and back then, you didn't leave your old armor for them when you took theirs. You sacced it so they had nothing, and moved on :P
37652, RE: Hrm. True. Ive said 10 years for like 6 years now.
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haha Nightwing cloaks, +2 dex a piece! Used to sure get me excited...that's so embarrassing to say haha.

Spiky green was in my capability too, but the blue dragon I always had to solicit that one.

My fondest memories of that day is one where I cheated. Some guy yelled out at MS that his password is whatever I can't remember now. It was a lvl 45 shapeshifter with falcon and wolf I think. This is when I couldn't conceive actually lvlling to 45. I immediately quit out and log on thinking he's just joking and bam, I got myself a lvl 45 shapeshifter. I went nuts, I only played a few log-ins since I didn't know what the hell to even do. Phenolphox, that name is etched into my skull haha.
37653, RE: Why?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All sorts of stuff is tracked on PBFs that isn't seen as unacceptable. Punitive looting was seen as a negative thing even back in the day; we just assumed the worst and expected everyone else to act like an asshole.

I could see tweaking this some. Only track # of items looted by the character from corpses he didn't make or assist in making. Exclude items below a certain level. Say, 20.
37654, You wouldn't get a reflective number for what you're looking for.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I kill someone on Eastern or Galadon a lot of the time (if its someone thats a decent enemy) I'll loot all their nice things so the lowbie spammers don't get the opportunity and return it. Also you get people who want to ID something in someone's corpse and give it right back after they see what it does.
37656, RE: You wouldn't get a reflective number for what you're looking for.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you made the corpse the what I'm suggesting wouldn't content it against you.
37657, RE: You wouldn't get a reflective number for what you're looking for.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stupid iPhone autocomplete.