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Topic subjectHometerrain question for mariners.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=37407
37407, Hometerrain question for mariners.
Posted by Mariner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it intentional to not be able to camouflage in PROTECTED water rooms? The class already has enough restrictions that taking away these rooms makes the hometerrain even less appealing. The main rooms are Hamsah river and Galadon river. Thieves and assassins can still hide protected cities so why could a mariner ranger camouflage one room outside the protected city but not within it?

Also, what about the Seantryn Harbor? It's not marked as PROTECTED obviously but is water instead of WATER, thus, no camouflage there either. What gives?

Thanks for any help. I hope you agree that these limitations don't really make sense.
37409, I think...
Posted by sorlag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I vaguely remember reading a post by an IMM a long time ago that went along the lines of: You simply cannot camouflage in any room flagged as "city", regardless of terrain. IIRC, you cannot camouflage in the handful of forest rooms that exist(ed?) in Galadon and Seantryn Modan either.

To play devil's advocate, my gess is that because those rooms are in or within such close proximity to the kinds of surroundings that would make a ranger uncomfortable, they can't camouflage there. Chalk it up to one of those realism vs. balance things, maybe.