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Topic subjectflip side of racial kinship
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37078, flip side of racial kinship
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Does racial kinship mean that for a neutral non-human character to kill his own kind should be considered if not evil, then at least "bad role-play"? Dwarf on dwarf, svirf on svirf, etc., ignoring compelling reasons like cabal conflict? (Mainly thinking about mobs here, and specifically with respect to ranking.)
37082, RP side
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Avoinding ranking on kin should not be too difficult a task I would think. Might be fitting to have racial kinship messed with if you rank on those mobs all the time. Though I don't know how many people would even notice that they lost kinship.

The kinship system is not perfect in that certain neutrals will never be able to get certain things unless they kill the mob. Having a piece of dwarf only gear on a neutral dwarf (I have not tested by heroing a dwarf, but can think of some pieces that kinship can probably never get you) means no dwarf could ever get that gear. Or they do what existed before kinship. They RP it out and kill the mob. (Dwarves killing Dern, maybe Ludan, being the classic examples I can think of)

I guess having the ability to use racial kinship removed if you kill kin mobs would be fitting, but I see that skill as being pure RP only in most cases. It's nice to not have to kill a dwarf for a key in mortorn for example. I'd have to experiment with values of related things and such, but generally if the mob will trade it has to be the same type of thing, that the mob can actually use, and probably of at least equal but more likely higher value.

Though I did notice if you do kinship for a weapon, the mob will wield the weapon you give them. I gave some decent weapon in exchange for trash to a a low level mob as a test. Kind of laughed when I saw a low level mob wielding it. But then some low level character could get that thing there (which might be far easier than the normal origin at their rank), which seems odd but I guess is by design. Then again, it is hard to imagine a mob that is easily killed that has something decent worth doing kinship for, so probably a non-issue.
37088, RE: RP side
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Though I did notice if you do kinship for a weapon, the mob
>will wield the weapon you give them. I gave some decent weapon
>in exchange for trash to a a low level mob as a test. Kind of
>laughed when I saw a low level mob wielding it. But then some
>low level character could get that thing there (which might be
>far easier than the normal origin at their rank), which seems
>odd but I guess is by design. Then again, it is hard to
>imagine a mob that is easily killed that has something decent
>worth doing kinship for, so probably a non-issue.

In terms of gear transfer, it's not much different than 'give'.

OOCly, it could create a small issue with lowbies getting killed, but:

1) Your level vs. the weapon's level matters, so a random kobold with a high-end weapon won't get nearly the full benefit.
2) It's usually avoidable by looking at the NPC.
3) Disarm doesn't care about the weapon's level, so most weapons that you can freely give away can be disarmed just as easily as low-level ones.

I consider it minor since it's less of a power difference than assisting NPCs with healing and other positive spells or supplications.

ICly, it's often perfectly reasonable for a dwarf (or whoever) to decide to arm his fellow dwarves with spare weapons he comes across. I like that PCs can expend effort to assist appropriate NPCs-- it would be odd if a healers and the like couldn't aid NPCs, given the class theme.

37095, Thanks for the answer
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the helping NPC aspect as well, brings more depth to the game.

I do see give as something you do intentionally to a PC. But if I give a NPC a weapon, I don't think they wield it. If they did, I would arm my inner with some kick ass weapon if all it takes is giving it to them. Same with an outer. Some elf lowbie comes to retrieve the codex, I give the vanquisher a hell blade/spear or something. Now he has a cursed iron weapon to fight the elf, and maybe one he does not know so can't parry as well. But that is probably not something that is wanted, having raids/retrieval be tougher and defenses easier.

But yes, my thoughts on kinship are certainly minor and far less trouble than healing/sancing mobs. Considering who you can do kinship to, it's not like I can give to a kobold in exchange for a stick anyway, so my thought was purely speculative since I can't think of one instance where it would really lead to a lowbie PC death because of a weapon change.

Appreciate the answer.
37096, Amusing aside
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you used to be able to buff up mercs/pets. I remember loading them up on blue giant gear for the +dam and I think there was a bug that if the mud crashed you could give them all that stuff again and double/triple/etc their dam.

I'm not against the idea of it being in place but it really turns into the strong becoming stronger.
37079, Situationally, yes.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gnome who ranks with groups in Hillcrest would probably be frowned on/have racial kinship messed with. As an example.