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Topic subjectWhen a cabal, and somewhere CF's RP, loose credibility...
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36855, When a cabal, and somewhere CF's RP, loose credibility...
Posted by Not a Hero on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe I'm wrong but I have the feeling that one should show his valor IC before being made cabal leader.

As this position gives unmatched privileges and involves spending some time with players who've pledge to the cabal, I always (except when a cabal is almost empty) find it very odd to see it given to someone who's still ranking.

Again, I might be wrong, but when I look at it, I can't help but smell OOC friendship with Immortals.

If I'd be a Hero Villager, I'd find this time quite frustrating...
36859, No need to freak out or insult people.
Posted by Not a Hero on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not trying to stir ####, I'm just giving a point of view from the outside. If the guy has proved his valor by making some quest, I'm fine with the reward of being made commander for that.

And if the fact that I didnt knew about "the Quest" makes me a troll, well I prefer not to comment any further this radical point of view.

Keep enjoying the game and do not forget to inspire..., expire..., inspire..., expire...

36860, This is not why we have anonymous posting.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Given that there's nothing in your post identifying your character, I don't see why you require anonymity, other than trying to troll.

And I'm sorry, but you don't get to sling nonsense like claiming that a cabal leader was picked for OOC reasons, and then pull the cowardly "I'm just asking questions" angle. The standard legal analogy for this is asking someone "When did you stop beating your wife?", when in fact no evidence exists for any abuse having occurred.

If you have evidence that something untoward happened, feel free to send it to imps@carrionfields.com. If you evidence consists of "someone who wasn't a hero got made the leader of a cabal", save yourself the email.

I'm locking this thread. I don't wish to see similar threads in the future.

36857, I'll Bite
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I realize I'm likely feeding a troll, but I want to comment on this.

I need to point out that the Battle Cabal has been around for a long time (over a decade and a half) and this sort of thing happens very rarely (as far as I know.)

That means that 99.9% of the time the position of Commander of Battle is open to anyone who is motivated enough to get it. I have no problem if once every five years or so the gods smile upon some lowbie with superb RP and give him a shot to lead. Or if they decide to fulfill a prophecy or shake up the realms or whatever.

I can't say with absolute certainty that Ghrimriddor isn't Thror's drinking buddy or Zulgh's nephew, but based on my interactions with him that's highly unlikely.

And I don't think that you should have to show valor IC before being made cabal leader in every single case. Sometimes children get crowns put on their heads (they usually #### things up, but it does happen.) Likewise I'm sure that if a level 11 character who was indisputibly Woldrun's son showed up at a time when there was no Commander that he'd be deserving of the position. (Obviously that would never happen, but I think you know what I'm saying.)

Honestly, there are a couple of hero Villagers who deserve to be bitter about the fact that there were no Rites, but none of them seem to be. Likewise, none of them seem to be gunning for Drillmaster either, so I can't imagine that they're too torn up about it.

Disclaimer: I've interacted with some of the Prophecy characters, but I'm not one, so don't think I'm trying to defend something I'm a part of.

tl;dr: This only happens once in a blue moon. It's nothing to get bent out of shape over.
36856, RE: When a cabal, and somewhere CF's RP, loose credibility...
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's rediculous. Stop trying to stir up trouble.

This "quest" has given multiple people, from multiple cabals an opportunity to shine. Rewards have been given out and immxp has been provisioned for exceptional roleplay from all parties. If you are bitter because you're not a part of it, find a way to get involved.

36858, You are likely already aware.
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But whatever is going on is badass man.

I wish crap like this happened more often, I realize why it won't because it takes a lot of effort but still cool stuff.

And I say this thinking something Huge is about to happen.

Maybe maybe not, but the anticipation is still fun nonetheless.

I would throw out some speculations BUT...I'll keep that IC.

Edit to clarify I know you are aware of what's happening but I was trying to say I hope you're aware of how much it is appreciated...