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Topic subjecthand vs whip
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36813, hand vs whip
Posted by Warrior in thought on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty much thinking about one for their knock out abilities. Was wondering peoples thoughts on the specs on a whole that they would take. (one vs the other) and choke vs stun reliability, duration.
36816, RE: hand vs whip
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Granted I've never actually played one, but...

H2H has lots of defensive utility in that you're way less disadvantaged when disarmed. It takes that option away from people. You get stun for situations where you're in a losing fight and can't easily run away. Crushing blow gives you a lag move for people who can't be tripped or bashed.

Whip/flail gives you choke instead of stun and lash instead of crushing blow. You lose the disarm-immunity. On the other hand:

1. You can exploit vulns other than blunt,
2. Entwine makes thieves think twice about messing with you,
3. Pull + entwine + eyejab is gross in some cabal defense situations,
4. Lots of classes don't learn whips and flails.
36814, I prefer choke because you can start combat with it.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The opportunity to choke/strip to start a fight is always great, and I don't like the stun changes with the physical sleep immunity or whatever they've got going on. Never really been a fan of h2h specs even with pummel changes, dual wield and getting those extra attacks per round is crucial.

Whip/flail just offers much greater utility and I'd say is on par with stun as far as successes. It might really depend on race though, like maybe because I've only played high dex flail specs I might be seeing more successes with choke as opposed to a dwarf or cloud giant with stun vs choke.