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Topic subjectI don't want to preemptively #### upon anything coming down the pipe...
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3672, I don't want to preemptively #### upon anything coming down the pipe...
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...but please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please do not even open the door, even slightly, for chaotic-stupid characters to reenter the realm. Ridding Thera of Entropy was one of the great leaps, bounds, triple-jumps towards the betterment of mudding in general. I thoroughly believe that CF not having Entropy anymore improved EVERY MUD known to man, not just CF. Baby Jesus cries, Buddha weeps, Vishnu(sp) flails, Allah gnashes his teeth, and Satan dances an Irish jig at the very idea of a cabal allowing chaotic-stupids entrance returning to CF. I don't even play steadily anymore (maybe a char to 10th every 2 months), but I'm sure that knowing that chaotic-stupids once again roam Thera would send me into a major depressive episode.

I'm all for a nihilistic, anarchy sort of cabal coming to CF, but please nothing that allows chaotic-stupids. Chaotic-stupids should be denied the first time they yell "Spoon!" or have mudsex in the shrine of a furry.

Please do not release this plague upon the realms ever again.
3712, Anyone else notice....
Posted by Drekten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That no other imm has had to publicly defend their relegion like this? Let alone JUST after it was implemented.

To me..thats says something. Is Lyris doing something right? Or doing something wrong? ...Seems most people think the later.
3713, I think he's doing something right
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as he sticks to his guns and trims the moronic fat when necessary. Chaotic characters are good, chaotic stupid characters are the devil Bobby.
3714, I think you are wrong
Posted by Phaistus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That no other imm has had to publicly defend their relegion
>like this? Let alone JUST after it was implemented.
>To me..thats says something. Is Lyris doing something right?
>Or doing something wrong? ...Seems most people think the

I think it's mostly because he answered the post and is fielding questions that the thread got so deep. From what I have noticed in the past the imms rarely do such a public Q&A with the playerbase. I not saying either way is good or bad. I think if every imm fielded questions as candidly as he is doing then you would see similar results of lovers and haters.

Just my two cents.
3715, You're right, but I'm still taking a "wait and see" attitude. nt
Posted by Drekten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
3676, Thank you for starting this thread
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The three spheres that fall within my realm of religion are chaos, deception and WISDOM. If anyone thinks I am going to put up with a moronic attitude in my religion, they have another thing coming...and I assure you, they won't like it. There were three mortals who actually knew about me before hand, two of them have titles and the third has passed on. They were chosen because they had displayed the ability not to be idiots but still cause havoc. This is a religion, not a cabal.
3677, That'll do it for me. Thanks. nt
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
3678, haha i con died before the fun began!!
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish i had stuck it out another couple of weeks ohh well i will be around still to see how things go.

3680, Maybe we have different standards of "not being an idiot"...
Posted by Praline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All that these people seem to do, assuming I'm right about who you
speak of, is mindless killing of weak, defenseless targets (calling
hunt repeatedly on people in the inn? People used to get mocking
titles for lame stuff like that, not commendations for "havoc") while
making sure not to engage the Imperials or about anyone else with
considerable force, for that matter.

But, since you're the Immortal and I aren't, you probably see things
no one else gets to.
3683, RE: Maybe we have different standards of
Posted by Phaistus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont know how long you have been playing the game so forgive me if you know this already.

Awhile back when Entropy was around, it seemed that the standard RP was roleplaying a character that acted like a 5 year old child on a Barney episode. I always loathed entropy then and I thought that CF improved dramatically after entropy was removed. I will admit that some of the characters were pretty damn funny but it didnt really fit into the setting of the game.
3685, RE: Maybe we have different standards of
Posted by Praline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I'm aware, I'm not a new player, I just usually lurk instead of
posting anything.

Do I like chaotic stupid? Not really.
Do I get my panties in a bunch about it like some? Not really.
Do I like people whose greatest achievement is killing that bard with
a 0-20 pk ratio and they get titles for such feats of bravery? Nope,
and they irritate me more than some morons that are annoying but
generally harmless.

As I said, it's possible I just never get to see their "better" side,
but considering I've met/fought said people with more than one
character, my opinion about them is not easily shaken.

I'll stop ranting now.
3686, You are right
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are things that I get to see that you don't.
3687, RE: You are right
Posted by Praline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And that goes both ways.
3688, your view is so out of whack its funny
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Chaotic stupid is funny, just avoid them if you don't like them otherwise let people play what they want.

as far as the imps chosen they were chosen not cause they multi-killed defenseless bards but because they consistantly went up against near immpossible odds and won a fair share and were an overall pain in the ass for the empire, tribunal, and other groups. They have their rules to killing and just cause you suck at pk does not mean they won't kill you. a KKK member is going to hang a person of african decent wether he is harmless or not it does not matter to him.
3689, RE: your view is so out of whack its funny
Posted by Praline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Note, I never said I loathe chaotic stupid. Other people in this thread
did. And back on the subject:

If I constantly see said chosen people cowering in guild and waiting
to get to gang the said defenseless loser bards again and again after
the imperial threat is gone, will I think "hey, these guys rock"? No.

I'll think of them as cheap bastards, nothing else. And any religion
or cabal that has rules that heralds must be killed wins the loser
prize of all time. Seriously, what next, punching bags are evil and
must die? Just kill them once and be done with it if they're such
great enemies, and then go pick a fight that wasn't determined before
it even started. You know, like actually killing those Imperials.

Yes, that's what I loathe, being incredibly cheap, getting lauded for
it, and making sure the poor victims don't have any fun. That's what
the game is for, fun, not for seeing who can multikill and full loot
the best. And if that's your view of "fun", then go play counterstrike.

Now I'm seriously done. No more replies in this thread, it's getting
on my nerves.
3693, Funny as it sounds..
Posted by Malkhar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea what the Hell you are talking about. :P

I wish I knew this poor, hapless multi-killed bard, but I don't. I think I've killed maybe two bards (different ones, neither herald) in the last couple of weeks. You should probably let him/her fight their own battles, though, with whoever is killing them over and over, by writing a derisive note in game, rather than making accusations on the boards. Might as well add some RP to your delusions! ;)
3695, RE: Funny as it sounds..
Posted by Praline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't talking to you, or about you. "Herald bard" was an example,
not the sole target. I'm not accusing anyone, I just voice my opinion
about said behavior being rather sad, and even more sadly, these days
it passes for commendable (whoever remembers Zodrimauk the hunter of
the meek, or whatever was his title, now that's what we need). Strange
that you should get so offended about it, though. Feeling somehow

Oh right, I wasn't posting about this anymore. I'll go to bed now, and
hope this whole damn thread just has been deleted when I wake up.
3690, Chaotic-stupid is not funny
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Chaotic-stupid is to funny as Kenan and Kel are to comedy. Chaotic-stupid is to funny as Freddy Prinze Jr. is to action. Chaotic-stupid is to funny as Hulk Hogan is to drama.

3691, You're so out of whack it's only saddening.
Posted by Snyto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Chaotic stupid is funny, just avoid them if you don't like them otherwise let people play what they want.

Chaotic stupid should be made into a new alignment that you slap on to these people. The effects being everyone attacks them on sight, all their stats get set to 3 except constitution, wimpy to 0. Tribunals won't flag you, nor will Heralds kick you out of the Inn for killing them. This would cause a quite rapid drop in the number of people who'd want to pull such a "role" off.

>as far as the imps chosen they were chosen not cause they multi-killed defenseless bards but because they consistantly went up against near immpossible odds and won a fair share and were an overall pain in the ass for the empire, tribunal, and other groups.

Not only a pain in the ass to those, to most people. Mostly the herald bards they tend to go after. Anyone declairing a war on Heralds should be neutered, this includes another faction which I won't name here because it's an IC thing.

>They have their rules to killing and just cause you suck at pk does not mean they won't kill you.

Assuming things about others won't score you any points, on the contrary. And they're supposed to be chaotic, so there shouldn't be any rules for them. But even if there's no rule against it, this does not prevent someone to use this wonderful thing called "common sense" or his close cousin "integrity".

>a KKK member is going to hang a person of african decent wether he is harmless or not it does not matter to him.

Great, just what we needed on CF, something as retarded as KKK.

My $0.02
3697, RE: You're so out of whack it's only saddening.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are speaking of the two Heralds I am thinking about, they definately deserved the beatings they took. Now, if other Heralds got in the way to defend them, well, that's part of getting involved. Not only did these Heralds aid those who attacked them in the past, they were actively involved in the hunt several times. Just because you are a Herald, doesn't mean that you get to do something stupid, say I am sorry, and think it is forgiven. As for attacking just the meek and the harmless, that is utter BS. Currently There are over a dozen Tribunals the two Chosen Nihilists can harm and over 40 Imperials, not to mention the others they are offended by. This is exactly what the religion is designed to do. Right now, there are those two and perhaps a few others who aid them...rarely do I see more than five of them together, and often it is three or less. What is everyone going to do when the numbers are even if two to five people cause this much of a problem?
3699, Stand there with a Gaping Maw and get killed.
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, had to be said. Rock on btw.
3705, +5 Rhetorically Brilliant (n/t)
Posted by Terwin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
3696, You oversimplify.
Posted by Sandello on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I admit that some of the Entropists had RP that could be annoying, but
1. I don't think it was annoying for everyone. A lot of people liked it. I personally think that Grumorumn, for example, was damn funny, and I don't see why it did not fit into the game. It brought diversity, why is that such a bad thing?
2. Most of the time, it was a minority of Entropy that RPed like that. Its just that people remember those chars more than others.

I was never a great fan of chaotic stupid, unless it was done very well, but I liked Entropy a lot for the unpredictability factor that it brought into the game. I think that imms are trying to bring this factor back, and I think its a good thing.
3701, My issue isn't who or how they kill....
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's that they were never the slightest bit chaotic before. As a matter of fact, they were downright predictable. To see a sudden shift in their RP, when it's pretty clearly based solely on trying to garner IC rewards, just seems sad. I found myself watching one of them run around town, making an ass of himself yesterday, and sat there thinking "Wow. Thats not transparent or anything" since they had never done anything like that before.

Now, you can say "Well chaos is doing new things" and to a degree you'd be right. But to just suddenly start with the "chaos" (Read here: Running around acting like a jackass) at a time when it will garner rewards isn't chaotic. It's just changing your role to get stuff, and thats dumb.
3703, Some right, some wrong here.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Flarkle and Voronil were always chaotic, but to a point, Sylvan held them back with their ideals of protection. To say that this was an immediate switch in RP is way off base as this has been happening for nearly two months in a steady progression. In fact, I think it was about December 12th the first time they heard the squeaky voice while they were still both warders. The IC rewards have been mainly interaction, but that is happening all over with the Imp with many different players. None of them have gotten a single piece of gear. Malkhar on the other hand didn't have any real direction and this just gave him something to focus on. As for other people jumping on the bandwagon, none have been chosen yet. That doesn't mean that there aren't a few who are being looked at. Is Chaos doing new things? Well, there is a new religion of chaos, and if it can make a good impact, which it obviously is, then it is good for the game.
3708, I really wasn't talking about the chosen Nhialists...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have issue with them. It's the utter morons who are so obviously trying to get involved, who are also pitching their roles right out the window in order to TRY and horn in on something new and shiny. Established heroes who have gone from sitting 24/7 in Ysigrath, calling the hunt on people, to running around in town, killing guildguards and yelling "Anarchy!". I mean, thats just sad.
3704, RE: Thank you for starting this thread
Posted by morlin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since much of this religion seems on havoc and anarchy, and creating unexpected situations, I was curious, do you create havoc among your followers? And an example, randomly removing prayers, spells, skills or powers?...or adding some on or swaping them around.

As a nihilist, an advocate of anarchy and someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief, how do religious practitioners receive spells if they reject theories of religious beliefs? (It is a dictionary definition, one of many available.) In fact, how can it be a religion if it reject religious theories?

WIth Nihilism being the complete denial of all established authority and institutions how does your religion function, since by rights, your followers should deny such a structure.

As you followers are want to group together, how can the function since by rights they should be pursuing anarchy among and between themselves. It would seem traveling with the same band of archists or nihilists presents a false representation of the purpose of anarchy. An organized group of anarchists or nihilists?
3706, Fair questions
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since it is a new religion it is too soon to go into specifics about what I will do as far as manipulating things suchs as spells, skills or powers.

With religious beliefs, you can reject all others over the sake of your own as well. The dictionary of real life only plays a small part in the dictionary of CF.

Nihilism is the denial of established authority and institutions. Any of my Chosen do as their free will dictates. None of them have any power over another.

No one person has ever changed the face of any world without help. There is also a level of wisdom involved in being a Nihilist. A Nihilist is not a nut case with no purpose in my religion. Mind you, that the two Chosen are not followers of mine. They have their own religions. So, one could be named a Nihilist if they so choose without actually following me.

Yes, I will empower people and have a religion. Nihilism is not a prerequisite for my religion. It just has a parallel of attitudes.