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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectSeized funds for Tribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=36686
36686, Seized funds for Tribunal
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Trying to get back into the swing of things again after a 7 year layoff. I do not know if this is in game or not, but I think it would be a cool idea for Tribunal.

After someone has been made Wanted for breaking the law and then slain by the Tribunals. I think it would be a cool addition to the Cabal to seize thier assets (gold, silver, copper) and place it in a fund, sorta like the bank. Have this fund be used to make the special guards tougher, or pay more while on duty, and have it all based off the seized funds. It would be similar to donating in Empire I guess, but more beneficial.

I'm currently a Narcotic's investigator and we do this all the time, and the money goes for new police equipment like patrol cars, tasers, etc... We find someone with 10 lbs. of cocaine and 30k in cash. The money clears through the government, then we get a large cut and must use it for police equipment.

There are countless things the Cabal could use the money for. Either way it's just a suggestion.
36691, RE: Seized funds for Tribunal
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They already loot the gold from your corpse, and almost always your weapons and a few choice pieces of gear, so I don't see adding to the penalty by emptying their bank being exactly "fair". That being said, I think this could be cool but not if it happened every single time someone was wanted. Maybe once someone becomes a real notorious criminal, like 10 times or something, and then it takes a percentage and scales up each time. But I think there would have to be some sort of possible advantage to the criminal for becoming so notrious as well, which I think is counterintuitive to what the imms want to happen for becoming wanted.
36693, RE: Seized funds for Tribunal
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
" But I think there would have to be some sort of possible advantage to the criminal for becoming so notrious as well, which I think is counterintuitive to what the imms want to happen for becoming wanted."

I don't know; I can definitely see the staff providing hard-coded incentives for not dropping flags to certain kinds of characters.