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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectSleep/Anti-paladins.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=36505
36505, Sleep/Anti-paladins.
Posted by Stalkinghorse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay so I have researched this and I am confused/concerned about something.

I have Divine saves vs spells.

I am resistant to curse.

As I understand AP's the dumber they are the easier it is to save vs their spells.

As I understand sleep, the more it is tried on you the easier it is to save.

As I understand the Hunter Skill aimed shot (Head) it reduces Int.

I hit a Fire giant Twice in a row with critical (Special echoes) head shots, he tried twice to sleep me by casting, fleeing, casting and succeeded.

Then they cursed me on the first attempt.

Another time he got me after another succesful headshot.
Repeat this with a Duergar (Caspita since she deleted)

She couldn't land it and I never head shot her that I recall.


The difference was Casp was uncaballed and 36th level and the Fire was caballed and 41st level. I am 39th level and may or may not be caballed but wasn't using any powers or preps either time.

I can't believe that Sleep is making a regular save check based upon my observations. Other players mileage may vary.

It seems to me that the lag for sleep is too short, should be closer to 2 rounds? All that aside, Is there an edge or cabal power or item that makes this spell work better than normal?
36512, RE: Sleep/Anti-paladins.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Drawing any conclusions off of two or three saving throws is generally worthless.

36510, RE: Sleep/Anti-paladins.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>As I understand AP's the dumber they are the easier it is to
>save vs their spells.
>As I understand the Hunter Skill aimed shot (Head) it reduces

These aren't a huge factor in your saving throw.

>I have Divine saves vs spells.
>As I understand sleep, the more it is tried on you the easier
>it is to save.

These two are much larger factors, as is the level difference between you and the level the spell is cast at.

>I can't believe that Sleep is making a regular save check
>based upon my observations. Other players mileage may vary.

I'd be hesitant to make any statments based on a sample size of two.
36511, Two notes from what I've seen
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1 There was a level difference of 5 levels.

Unless this occured during a rare rager power swing. The veil was likely very thin as well. So levels + thin veil = slept.
36508, sounds like bad luck
Posted by dude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
even with divine saves people get lucky sometimes. You could try the remain conscious edge, that will help some. otherwise just curse the RNG and dust yourself off.
36520, My last AP, Khaer was lvl 40 fire giant he...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... managed to land sleep on a scion d-elf transmuter that was DECKED (A quick count in my head would add to around -80vs spell).

+ he had the item so a chance of counterspelling it too.

That was a lvl 40 fire AP vs 49 d-elf transmuter. And sleep landed.

(The other 10 times he tried on different occassions he slept himself two times at least, and failed the rest.)

I'd say luck. You can pull a lot off with just persistance/luck. ;)