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Topic subjectBash vs Stunned
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=35840
35840, Bash vs Stunned
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The answer is probably in the amount of coding it would require to alter, but for sake of getting opinions and a clear answer from the Immstaff here is my question.

Are there any specific reasons that when a person is bashed, they don't receive a similar message such as when a person is held and/or stunned?

In the latter case, you put in a command and the mud confirms it but you are given the message "You are frozen" (or something close to that). When you're bashed, it's somewhat of a guessing game as to when you are going to regain your equalibrium, so-to-speak.

Would it be too much to ask for a similar implimentation for when you are bashed or at least a means to know when you are on your feet again? Obviously, this is for the sake of not stacking commands which seems like such a technicality and less player-skill. Without naming muds, I have seen muds before who have implemented a prompt variable that would change based on if you were lagged or not. (basically just a boolian value).

Mainly curious for people's opinions and moreso the staff. (Giant-bashers, please try to be objective and not too bias :P )
35856, I think it's a bad idea
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems like you want a way to recover because you spam commands to much. Optimizing for that scenario doesn't seem right.

The flip side of that is, everytime anyone lags you however briefly you lose your command. Trip becomes much more powerful because it actually knocked your command out of the queue, and likely you're going to get tripped again before you get that command through.

The difference between something like hold person & bash is that one of them is ticks (30-90 seconds), the other is rounds (3-5 seconds).
35857, Wait... Have I died more than I should have?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I type..say..flee right after someone trips me. Just once..then they trip me again before the command goes through. The flee command gets knocked out?

I always just type flee once so I'm not stacking, assumed it would go through whenever lag was over.
35858, If what EXB proposed were implemented...
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If I type..say..flee right after someone trips me. Just
>once..then they trip me again before the command goes through.
>The flee command gets knocked out?
>I always just type flee once so I'm not stacking, assumed it
>would go through whenever lag was over.

If what EXB proposed were implemented...that is exactly what would happen.
35859, Oh I see, thank you
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I misread your post because I am dumb.
35861, what about his other suggestion
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
About making a prompt option to tell you if you are lagged. there are a number of skills out there with variable lag and sometimes you might want to know if you are currently lagged or not before entering commands.

I think it would be a pretty simple feature, if you still calculate lag like the base code using waitstate just put a prompt option to say Lagged if your waitstate is not 0.

35863, Thanks for you response Zulgh, and to reiterate this request
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually don't have a habit of stacking commands, I'm very conservative when moving about on the off-chance that I do get tripped/bashed unexpectedly or in combat if I start seeing the bash echoes. Usually I already have my finger on the flee button because I typically cannot guess how much lag I'm facing.

It would be wonderful to have a prompt solution to seeing if your lag is positive or negative, but I don't know how inclined you are to implement such a feature. Do you have any thoughts on that if you're willing to voice them?


Thanks again
35847, RE: Bash vs Stunned
Posted by sleepy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bash: When you're hit by a truck, you don't know wtf is happening or wtf just happened or what's going on, plus it takes you time to get up from it and regain your composure.

Stun: When you're paralyzed and can't move your arms/legs, you can sense that you are stunned and your arms arent responding.
35853, People keep explaining this difference... which I understand.
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point of my question is whether it actually makes sense. I mean, if you're casting a spell or preparing to cast a spell and are hit by a truck, it's not as if you're gonna stand up and just go with that initial thought. Since the truck hit you, you probably want to cross the road instead now. (assuming you're not dead as the RL analogy would probably indicate)

I feel that if you're bashed and try putting a command in you would receive the message, You are too disoriented to do anything. Or at the very least, receive a message when you regain your focus.

Am I honestly the only one that makes sense for? At this point, I feel the only explanation has something to do with "balancing" which is why I'm curious for an Imm response.
35846, I consider that a part of being skilled, know when and when not to stack commands. ;) n/t
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35841, Seems self explanitory to me...
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone who is frozen stiff looks a lot different than someone who is just off balance.
35842, Not sure which point you're arguing... none of mine at least.
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not certain how addressing the look of a bashed/stunned individual comes into play. I agree with you, there is certainly a difference of appearance.

I'm talking about self-awareness. Whether I'm stunned or off balance, or sailing through the air... I'm going to know my state. Without arguing the whole spectrum of lagging moves that exist in the game, some obvious ones such as trip and bash are pretty "duh" in nature. The victim is going to know when he stands up again.

My general concern is with bash lag, it just seems like a large unknown and even taking into account size differences, you never really know if you are going to be lagged two rounds, or four. I figure some kind of self-awareness should kick in there.
35843, Don't the echoes show that? n/ts
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35845, That is the conflict and reason for my inquiry
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't feel the echo's show that accurately, if at all. There are typically the two different bash echoes where you are bashed to the ground and the other states that you are sent flying through the air.

However, I have gotten long amounts of lag on the former before and with the latter it still can be as little as two rounds to four (four rounds and plus sometimes it feels like). So there still is a strange accuracy... there are also skills that don't reflect the change and the easiest skill that comes to mind is sure footing. In that example, a ranger doesn't receive an echo that the skill kicks in, but on my past ranger it would because even though I was sent flying through the air I would only have one round of lag at times. (That's my interpretation of the skill kicking in.)

So do the echoes show that? I don't feel they do accurately
35860, I think they tell you how good the hit was in general before things that reduce
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the effect are considered.

That's just an assumption for me though since I run from bash.