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Topic subjectcf back story
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35686, cf back story
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually read through this for the first time recently. Some parts of its seem...strange.

So you've got the Lord of Order and the Forsaken One. The Forsaken one is also the Violet Spider. He gravitates toward Magic and gives it to the world. The Lord of Order gravitates to the Shadows. Both create armies and watch them fight.

The Forsaken One's creations, the magic guys, split into Order and Chaos factions. This is slightly weird since, you know, there's already an Order Lord. These two halves of the Magic army start to fight.

Weirdness #1: We never hear anything more about the army created by the Order Lord. What happened to them?

Meanwhile, the Chaos faction of the Forsaken One's creations turn to the Shadows for help.

Weirdness #2: Wouldn't it have made more sense for the Order faction of the Forsaken One's creations to seek out the Shadows' help, since Shadows = Order Lord? Instead its the Chaos faction.

So there's a big fight between the Chaos half (+Shadow) and the Order half with their newly minted proto-Ragers. The Chaos half is supposedly using demons. The proto-Ragers kick their asses, then go on a rampage and have to be put down by the Order half.

How are they put down? Well, the Order half also turns to the Shadow and gets themselves some demons, which they sick on the proto-Ragers and almost wipe them out.

Weirdness #3: If the Chaos guys' demon army was woefully insufficient to beat the proto-Ragers on the field of battle, why was the Order guys' demon army able to almost wipe them out? Were they just that drunk? Not to mention- why did the Order guys summon demons instead of devils?

Proto-ragers now shack up in the mountains, multiply, and get really pissed at the mages that screwed them.

Weirdness #4: Does it never occur to any of the surviving proto-Ragers that their creators only turned on them because they went totally beserk and started raping and pillaging the entire world? I mean, the Order guys thought to themselves, "You know, we dallied in the Shadow and it was really bad; we should take steps to make sure things never get out of control like that again." The proto-Ragers, though, are like, "Damn those mages, they got in the way of our raping. We will hate them forever!" Nobody ever thought, "Hey, maybe we really were out of control. Bad on us."

So at the very end the Order Lord and Forsaken One leave the world. New gods and goddesses arise. But then...

Weirdness #5: The story says, "The Shining Lady sits across from the Dark One". Huh? Are we talking about the Order Lord and Forsaken One again, or are these two new mega-deities? If so, who are they? Are they two of the "new gods and goddesses" that arose? If so, why are they mega-deities instead of just two of the many "gods and goddesses" that arose after the Order Lord and Forsaken One blew town?
35721, Replace:
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Replace "Forsaken One" with Rahvin.
Replace "Order Lord" with Derit.
Replace "Shining Lady" with Galadriel.

Not sure why it was written the way it was, but essentially when you read it this way (Derit wasn't really ever a Lord of Order, but perhaps he was at the MUD that he and Rahvin came from?), the story makes much more sense.

Other questions: the Order mages probably should have called devils as our current CF exists - however, the Order mages were the forefathers of Master, so yeah, they got demons. You can get your head around this if you just think "they got what the shadow dudes gave them" if you like.

As for your question about why nobody in this situation just sits back and goes "oh hey, maybe WE were in the wrong" that simply mirrors real life, IMO.

The CF story should probably be rewritten at some point. I'm sure not doing it though. At least not right now. :P
35727, RE: Replace:
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who was the "Dark One" who opposed Galadriel at the end? Jullias?
35701, Dang
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It has always seemed like an odd story to me too. I just assumed it was written about CF ages that have past. Meaning I thought someone that has played a while (you) would know things about/witnessed these events actually happening...

35691, I've always had a problem with this for the reasons you mentioned.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
especially the Betrayl, since in reality it seems like it was the Battleragers who betrayed the forces that trained them, and thus saved them and the world.

The only thing I can think of is that they never sobered up.

The Shadow order thing also makes no sense.

I posted about this a long time ago and I RP'd forever that Ragers were in fact the betrayers, but nobody understood because nobody ever reads read the back story, or, if they did, it was so convoluted it made no sense.

Basically, I decided it was the CF bible and didn't need to make sense.