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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectHow long do you play at a stretch?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=34053
34053, How long do you play at a stretch?
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How long do you typically stayed logged in at a time? How often during a day do you log in for 15-20 minutes then have to run do something and come back again in 15-20 minutes... Etc... I know with a char that I had once, my application for the Fortress was turned down because the leader then thought I wouldn't log in for long enough. What's long enough?

Personally, I try to set myself up that I can spend at least 20-30 minutes online, and really only log off if something comes up IRL that will keep me too occupied to not die. What do you do?
34060, It depends on my char, between 20-60 minutes.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I have a high profile character that tends to get a lot of notes etc, then I can do brief logins of like 10-20 minutes just to read notes and keep my appearance up. If not a high profile char then I won't login unless I have at least 45-60 minutes to spend.
34059, RE: How long do you play at a stretch?
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I try to have no less then 1-2 hours to play in a stretch. Whenever I have less time, the short login will inevitably be when something fun happens and I have to leave. :p
34057, Depends on the type of char:
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lowbie uncaballed: as long or short as I feel. Definitely the most "no pressure" type of char.

Low-midlevel caballed (with no real responsibilities): I feel bad if I log out without playing for at least an hour, but I sometimes will logout after half an hour. No less than that or I won't login.

Mid-high level uncaballed: I usually don't have these, but again I don't feel any real pressure, generally, so whenever I feel like.

Low-midlevel caballed (who might be required to retrieve/defend): 1 hour minimum.

High level caballed: I generally won't login as a high level without an hour and a half to play. I prefer to be on at least 2 hours. Sometimes circumstances don't allow this. But definitely an hour minimum barring extreme OOC circumstances (kid retching in bed, that sort of thing).

FWIW If I personally see you playing several different chars, I'd much rather (from an Imm standpoint) see you play ONE of them for an hour and a half (for example) than three of them for a half-hour each. I'll be honest - the former type of player (with only one char) will be more likely to receive immrewards from me than the latter (playing multiple chars in one day). That's not a rule. But it's a preference of mine. Just like Iunna prefers dwarves. And Thror likes little boys. HAR!
34058, RE: Depends on the type of char:
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback. Today just felt really choppy to me and that's why I posted. I try to play consistently for at least 20-30 minutes more like an hour if I can. But I get interrupted, or there really isn't anything to do for me with my given goals, so I end up havig like 5 20-30 minute sessions. Today, I had a bunch of these, but for most of them, I at least felt productive. One a fight, retrieved, etc....

As for the Multiple Char part. Yes, I'm very guilty of this. Mostly when my play times don't lend to much for me to do, or I get frustrated with how my char is going, but still want to do something... I've tried lately to really keep to my one char, in hopes that I can make something special out of him. At least I don't have 11 Fort apps now.... So I'm getting better right?
34056, RE: How long do you play at a stretch?
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is actually one of the reasons that I asked for there to be a command to let me know how long I've been logged in. (Thanks, Zulgh!)

I don't like to log on for less than an hour with a caballed character, but sometimes #### happens.

I currently have a lowbie who I'm hoping to do some exploring with. I generall play for about 20-40 minutes, but I'm not trying to accomplish anything other than gaining 50% towards my next level or grabbing something for a quest in progress. For a non-serious character that doesn't imnpact anyone else's game that much I think a twenty minute logon is fine.

34055, RE: How long do you play at a stretch?
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a fan of 15 minute minimum, but only get frustrated with folks who do quick login/logoffs (< 2 minutes). I personally won't play a mortal unless I can put an hour into it. If all you do is play 15 minutes at a time, you're probably not really going to get anywhere.