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Topic subjectNew Players and ABS Wands
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=33630
33630, New Players and ABS Wands
Posted by OldTimer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When a character hits level 11 they are prompted to check where and to read helpfiles on PKing...

Would such a system be a helpful idea for newer players playing heir first mage?

You reach level 30....blah...blah...blah

Your guildmaster tells you that there are wands out there specially attuned to you! (read helpfile ###)

I know that mages can ask about this in game... but there are several roles that would discourage asking for help...

I also know that the unofficial forums will talk people's ears off about this.... and that people can go there for information...

Personally, I would like to see the game provide this rather than encouraging people to find ooc means to learn...

Just My 2 cents

33637, I think new players...
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
should at least be told ABS exists. I played a number of characters (luckily not mages) before I ever heard of ABS. Even once I heard about them I really didn't know anything. Something should at least direct them to a help file that explains ABS slightly. Not saying they need a hint about the location, but at least just saying "Hey, wands exist which are attuned to you and will make you more powerful."
33646, Like wand system, but some clues of its existence needed
Posted by TrapperJohn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really is needed in academy, but I know it's tinkered with from time to time and you don't want to have to update a bunch of other things too. But it'd be worth it.

Playing my first mage, the wand system *forced* me to interact, ask for help, and it gets people to group and go on a mission for something. People trade info IC, but it's collaboration, really, and bonds mages together.
33634, What about an edge or two that gives hints as to where your wands are?
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
'After discussion with your guildmaster you are informed that a protective source for you rests in a great keep in the east.'

Something to prevent the need for the ever popular circulating wand lists.
33635, I'd like this, as long as..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as there was a relatively hefty hours requirement. Say, something like 150 hours of the char's life.

If there's not, then there's nothing to stop people from rolling continually to compile a massive wand list, or even to decide whether they have an 'advantageous' wand before moving on.

But after a certain hour commitment, you know the player has searched for the wands to no avail. So why not throw them a bone?
33644, RE: I'd like this, as long as..
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My understanding is that people do this already. One of my comeback chars is a mage and yeah, so far I'm not liking the new system. Granted I've only checked a dozen or so locations and started going through harder ones now. I'll reserve right to bitch and or point the finger of judgment once I spend a good amount of time searching.

I don't know why anyone would bring up ABS and newbies. Newbies would never figure these places out, they'd have to have someone haul them around to check. I don't think that by itself though makes the system bad, the inherent shield that mages get is already a step in the right direction.

What would make me think the system is broken? Basically if I get an aura location that I can't get solo and a barrier location that requires some other class (like invoker) to attain. I'm ok with barrier taking some help to attain but it shouldn't require invoker shields to get.