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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectFortress Tiers
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33208, Fortress Tiers
Posted by Habbs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've heard that leaders can see tiers for it's members to be able to tell how many evil kills applicants, squires, and maran have, something like untested, then colors for the others.

Can you share what these tiers are (and the kills associated) and anything on what comes with them? Something extra from lightforges or zeal or anything like that?

Any thoughts on making this seen by all members of Fortress?
33210, RE: Fortress Tiers
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I remember correctly from the Kasir days it was Untested, Bloodied, Veteran, Phoenix, Purifier. Untested is 0 kills. My guess is that Purifier is 50, Phoenix is 25 and Veteran is 10. Pretty sure it only counts kills on evils.

The Captain/Marshall see stats for pledges, squires and maran, but not scribes or acolytes. There are no game-play benefits. That is to say, all else being equal, the cabal powers of a squire with 75 kills will work the same as those of a squire with 1 kill.

IMO making this info more publicly available would be a very bad idea.
33211, RE: Fortress Tiers
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If I remember correctly from the Kasir days it was Untested,
>Bloodied, Veteran, Phoenix, Purifier. Untested is 0 kills.
>My guess is that Purifier is 50, Phoenix is 25 and Veteran is
>10. Pretty sure it only counts kills on evils.

Something like that.

>The Captain/Marshall see stats for pledges, squires and maran,
>but not scribes or acolytes. There are no game-play benefits.
> That is to say, all else being equal, the cabal powers of a
>squire with 75 kills will work the same as those of a squire
>with 1 kill.

33213, And thanks for the confirmation NT
Posted by Habbs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33212, Thanks
Posted by Habbs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had thought that some of the lightforges did more and less depending on some factors - I'd thought perhaps related to this, but if you haven't seen anything to indicate that I stand corrected.

Do you see public (to the fortress) is a bad idea because of posturing and a new member saying they are more deserving to be promoted because they are a purifier at level 25 and still a squire but a maran is only a veteran?
33214, RE: Thanks
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My immediate thought on this is - why give the people who can already PK that extra bonus? It seems a bit unnecessary. A nice perk perhaps, but I'd rather give out a title or something. If I do see a stand out Fort char that is long lived, I'm also likely go give them an edge or a little perk like that, maybe some xp. I think it means more when it's something an imm takes time to do than if it were an auto bonus anyways.
33216, RE: Thanks
Posted by Habbs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That makes sense, and I agree with it when you put it that way.

It would definately mean more to me when an imm took the time to do it, but I am still struggling with ways to make myself more of the hot guy at the dance in regards to doing the right things to get noticed, so I'm also slightly bummed that there isn't a tangible target that I can set a plan out to try to attain in something that is an auto-bonus.

Most cases the only time I realize my toon was doing things decently int he eyes of the gods is when I delete and there is an imm post saying that it is a shame I deleted :)

For example, edge points. Before I thought that I needed to find what I was doing wrong to get more immexp to be able to get a lot of edges, but I've found ways to get them even without it, and when it does unexpectedly comes it is icing on the cake instead of just the very beginning of getting into edges.

Thanks for the thoughts on it.
33219, RE: Thanks
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, unless you are a religious character, are killing people by the boat loads, or are extremely long-lived, you're probably not going to get a lot of "custom" immteraction. AFAIK its always been that way, and not just for Fortress.

I'd say that if you're at least modestly successful, role-play well, and play into "old age" then eventually someone will throw you a bone.
33220, RE: Thanks
Posted by Habbs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In most of my cases I am talking about things like maran promotion. In a character I thought I was doing the badly with I deleted and was then mentioned as possibly being a leader candidate, and on ones that I feel like I am doing prety well with or at least trying really hard to do well with I end up floundering.

By badly, I mean that all of the personal goals but one (being a maran) completely and utterly flopped. Where characters that my personal goals are clicking and things are going well I seem to hit a spot where I am not sure what I missed over time to be able to prove myself as more than a squire after 300 hours.
33230, True, but you might also attract more good PKers to team Good which they could use. Just a thought. n/t
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33231, Eh
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At that point you're only joining Fort to power game, not to RP. I prefer things the other way around.
33292, That calls into question just how "good" they are
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If they can't do it without what they see as the strongest cabal powers, are they really as good as they think?
33471, RE: Thanks
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maran powers are pretty good. The only thing I'd really like changed is that the weapons made by lightforge, especially for a 2h paladin, are way too heavy. I think I recall the flamberge being like 17+ lbs last time I played one. Years and years ago they used to be super light (less than 3lbs) and I think when that was fixed the adjustment went too far in the other direction to the point of them being too heavy.
33227, For your interest (log)
Posted by Grudan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
 From Balten's later days as Cardinal.  I figure this is old
enough it's not a big deal since everyone is long dead in
another age.  If anyone has an issue with this feel free to
delete it.

<977hp (100%) 903m (100%) 764mv (90%) (tipsy)> members

               Name         Path       War on Evil
[32 Storm Pal] Grindal      Squire     Bloodied
[35 Human Asn] Crenshaw     Squire     Bloodied
[36 Arial War] Ilrek        Maran      Purifier
[38  Elf  Inv] Narati       Squire     Bloodied
[38 H-Drw Inv] Menthias     Scribe     
[43  Fire Ran] Baog         Scribe     
[44 Dwarf Hea] Carnon       Scribe     
[48 Human War] Gumash       Squire     Bloodied
[50 Dwarf War] Grumbol      Maran      Purifier
[51 Storm War] Zruggle      Squire     Bloodied
[51  Elf  Bar] Silanthalas  Scribe     
[51 Human Shf] Samosette    Scribe     
[51 Human Shf] Rohdinath    Scribe     
[51 H-Elf Tra] Pasiphae     Squire     Veteran of War
[51  Elf  Bar] Nyshvaar     Squire     Veteran of War
[51 Dwarf Pal] Lokinitisim  Squire     Bloodied
[51  Elf  Hea] Lornkanamas  Acolyte    
[51 Storm War] Liethkim     Maran      Phoenix
[51 Human Shf] Kearina      Scribe     
[51 Human Hea] Ilobe        Acolyte    
[51 Dwarf Pal] Haidoril     Maran      Veteran of War
[51 H-Drw Bar] Elghinn      Scribe     
[51  Elf  Pal] Dupmasione   Maran      Purifier
[51  Elf  Bar] Castiel      Squire     Bloodied
[51 Storm War] Crespel      Squire     Bloodied
[51  Elf  Bar] Brillem      Squire     Bloodied
[51 H-Elf Bar] Balten       Acolyte    
[51  Elf  Hea] Ailinilia    Acolyte    
[51 Storm War] Arrna        Maran      Purifier