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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGuild guardians in the Ruined City
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3299, Guild guardians in the Ruined City
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not trying to complain. Well ok I am, but I'll try to make it constructive. Earlier this week, I attempted to kill a guild guard in the Ruined City. The paladin. Now, the sucker cons as killing him with my little finger, so I'm thinking "Hey, he's a guild guard. This shouldn't be too hard." I had a polearm spec duergar tanking for me, and I was another fighting class which I won't divulge. Needless to say, we were a pretty lethal combo, and certainly ought to be able to take out a mob conning as that easy to kill.

Two minutes later, we're both fleeing for our lives, near dead, and the little bastard was at a few scratches. Uhmm...think this should maybe be brought more in line with the other guild guards? When two post level 40 characters have a tougher time with something like a guild guard than they would with say, the Maran Tarabal, I think something is a little out of whack.

I don't know if the other guild guards in the city are this tough, but my god, come on.

3300, "help consider" (n/t)
Posted by Sevarecan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
3301, You missed the point....
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point is, the guildguards in the city (At least the paladin, I can't say about the others) are totally out of proportion to the guildguards anywhere else in the game, and far far tougher than (IMHO) they have any right to be, just being guildguards. Don't you think it's rediculous that a mere guildguard, would be far far harder to fight than a cabal guardian?
3302, RE: You missed the point....
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The point is, the guildguards in the city (At least the
>paladin, I can't say about the others) are totally out of
>proportion to the guildguards anywhere else in the game,

Actually...it's just as hard as the one in Galadon.

>and far far tougher than (IMHO) they have any right to be, just
>being guildguards.


>Don't you think it's rediculous that a mere
>guildguard, would be far far harder to fight than a cabal

No...guild guards have the abilities of their guild (Paladin = wrath, two-handed strikes, etc), while cabal outer guardians are just big guys with lots of hit points. This doesn't surprise me at all.
3303, RE: You missed the point....
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Actually...it's just as hard as the one in Galadon.

I walk through the guildguardian in galadon without any hassles whatsoever. This one made me flee while it was only at a few scratches. I just don't see them as being even close in power. It's possible there was some random freak happening going on, but I just don't think thats the case.

3304, RE: You missed the point....
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Actually...it's just as hard as the one in Galadon.
>I walk through the guildguardian in galadon without any
>hassles whatsoever. This one made me flee while it was only at
>a few scratches. I just don't see them as being even close in
>power. It's possible there was some random freak happening
>going on, but I just don't think thats the case.

I'm going to guess you "walk through" the one that didn't have the class set on it, the one that didn't actually do anything but stand there. That has now however been fixed.
3306, See?!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I KNEW there was a difference. I was really kind of hoping you'd make the other one easier to kill, and not make that one harder to kill. *wry* Oh well. At least they're equal now.
3308, RE: You missed the point....
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And paladins everywhere rejoice.

For what its worth the assassin guild guard in Tar Valon is a bastard too. I remember trying to break in once so I could locate mark. Bad idea.