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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectPK range ideas
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=32765
32765, PK range ideas
Posted by Void on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2 semi-related ideas.

Currently, the restricted PK range protects the lower ranks but restrict many interesting RP scenarios.
E.g. High rank cannot kill "loud-mouthed" lowbies, or defend against mid-level raids.
Higher rank goodies cannot protect lowbies or low level mobs, e.g. Akan.

idea 1: CON for PK
Players can trade 1 CON to have unrestricted PK range for a limited time period.

idea 2: unrestricted PK
a. All PCs start with hero's HP at level 11. (i.e. no HP gain for level gain)
b. PK range is unrestricted from level 11 to 51.
c. Fighting with PC lower than the current system's PK range with result in skill/spells decrease proportionally. E.g. lvl 51 warrior attacking lvl 11 mage will quickly have warrior's dodge/parry/weapon/bash etc -2% each round.
d. Increase low and mid-level mob's HP/level to balance a.

Thanks for reading.
32791, not sure why this is such a big deal
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> High rank cannot kill "loud-mouthed" lowbies

I tend to treat people below my pk range as beneath me from a IC perspective. That is as a hero character some level 15 idiot mouthing off is just braggart and not worth my attention. For example, as the Emperor I can't imagine I'd waste my time with some insignificant weakling. Now, I might have an underling kill the offender but why would I dirty my hands on something so petty?

Anyway just my two cents.
32789, RE: PK range ideas
Posted by Swordsosaurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really don't like that sound of that at all.

I would like it if the imm's could check your afk and see what other chars had said to you, that way you could pray if some loud mouth lowbie is threatening you and maybe the lowbie could have his pk range set to unrestricted until he's killed. It's just bad role play to threaten heroes if you're lvl whatever-teen. I try to just let it slide and offer to take them to the arena, but in every case all I get is, "I said when I'm older, idiot!" If a 15 year old kid started threatening bikers, he's going to get beat.

After all that though, I doubt I'd want to imm's to even put attention towards this sort of thing, might take up too much time. Everyone wants more interaction time, but changes too.
32768, RE: PK range ideas
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this breaks a lot more than it fixes.
32767, That would make lowbie PK suck. A lot.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imagine 2 lvl 11 dwarves battling it out.

Each doing "wounds" to each other. Each with around 1200 HP.
45 minutes later, they're finally at gushing.

Beyond that, I really can't see how you could balance that to make it so a hero wouldn't just completely annihilate all lowbies at will. That hero will still be able to spam wrath/flurry/nova/whatever right? And that lowbie will... feint?
HP alone won't do anything to make a lvl 11 actually competitive against a lvl 51. And they shouldn't be, anyways. A lvl 11 is a 16 year old kid that just picked up a sword for the first time.. he shouldn't be able to do anything to the Emperor, should he?

I really don't see how this would be an improvement in any way, honestly.