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Topic subjectThoughts about pouch of nourishment
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32708, Thoughts about pouch of nourishment
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since it was brought up earlier, I was actually thinking about this. One of the more annoying things about the pouch of nourishment is the "spam" that players get as they get a pouch from their bag, open it, get the food, close the pouch, put in the bag....

How about having pouch of nourishment being a "use" command that just sates, like the healer commune? It'll give it a downside (can't eat anymore) and it'll reduce spam drastically (no more eating 5-6 jerky/cookies in a row).

I'm fine with leaving the chest of inebriation the same, since it's used a lot less.

32723, I'd be happy if they'd stop giving ####ing cookies
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but yeah, really like the idea of making it sate, but with a cooler echo.
32709, All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am fine with it the way it is.

It gives me and other people the opportunity to kill those pouch of nourishment spammers.

You get a pouch of nourishment from a girdle of endless space
A thiefs trip grazes you!
some damage
You open a pouch of nourishment
a thiefs trip grazes you!
moar damage
You get a werewolf cookie from a pouch of nourishment
a thiefs trip grazes you!
even moar damage
You can't eat while you are fighting!
a thiefs trip grazes you!
Even MOAR damage
You close a pouch of nourishment
a thiefs trip grazes you!
DAGRON damage
You put a pouch of nourishment in a girdle of endless space
a thiefs trip grazes you!
You have died to your own spammage!

No. I like it like this, afraid of dying to spam? Eat real food. Tired of having to open and shut it fifty times because the veil is thick? Eat real food. In a place that hurts you for using the pouch? Bring real food.
32710, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solution: attach semi-significant lag to the "use" command.

I know that's not technically as "bad" for the user compared to if it'd spammed in multiple commands, but its a compromise.

Honestly, making it "sate" (i.e. completely full) would be a significant nerf from my POV.
32711, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Honestly, making it "sate" (i.e. completely full) would be a
>significant nerf from my POV.

True; but to be fair, if you're not the pill-poppingest player, I have no idea who would be.
32713, Yah I agree there
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My warriors might all grumble.

But all mages would shrug. Zap self brand recite and quaff o my!
32714, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not me!

Did you ever see the contents of Hunsobo's container? Or Adarmar or Drohaem, for that matter? I'm a light weight.
32718, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In terms of speckled pills, you're probably right.

If someone has a pill to give them resistance to a damage type they're not vulnerable to, though? That's probably you.
32722, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those exist? Sweet!

Heh. Yes, I've carried these around. But only because I had an extremely high expectation of fighting someone who used those attacks. Keeping resist {damagetype} on tap is typically easier and less time consuming than ganeral-purpose damage reduction, not to mention more effective in situations where it's actually relevant.
32720, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Stephen Dedalus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Besides really unnecessary nerfage ... it seems like making it one command would drain all the cool, uh, flavor from the item. I like all the different foods that it comes up with. When I was a newbie, it was one of those jaw-dropping items for me, seeing someone use it. That might not be justified in a power sense, but it's just a really fun item.

This coming from someone who plays mostly for tactics and carnage, btw.

- Steve
32712, RE: All that spam is part of the risk that is the pouch
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've gotten a kill or three that way, too.
32715, On a related note
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What do you think of giving players a new togglable(sp?) command which would basically be like "brief," but for actions done by NPC's and PC's rather than for room descriptions?

If you had (let's just call it skim for now) skim up you would be opting not to see these types of things:

-Containers being opened and closed.
-Food and drink being consumed. Note, potion use will still be seen.
-People getting things from non-corpse containers. By that, I mean you will still see people looting a corpse if they are not sneaking (just like normal), but you won't see Bob the Felar getting his thirtieth ball of pemmican from his girdle of endless space.

That really is the bulk of it. There are plenty of other things that could be added, but each poses some risk to the user, where as these are pretty benign.

I like this idea because, well, I would use it. I don't care to see those things listed most of the time, and if I want to I could always just toggle the command.