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Topic subjectalcohol and bards
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32369, alcohol and bards
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When a bard is tipsy, does he just regen mana faster, or does it also affect the strength of his songs?

Does being drunk as opposed to tipsy just offer more of the same benefits?

How big of a deal is "drunk vs. sober" to song strength compared to, say, "21 vs. 23 charisma"?
32371, RE: alcohol and bards
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being tipsy seems to be about the equivalency of tune in terms of song strength. Meaning that tipsy seems to raise the effectiveness of songs a couple levels. I'd equate tune and tipsy to a poor man's spellcraft. People have disagreed with me in the past about this comparison, but I don't really care.

Being drunk seems to hamper song strength. Seems roughly on par with being sober.

Both being tipsy and drunk seem to accelerate mana regeneration.
32377, Without looking at the code
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this post is roughly correct.
32370, From my experience.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tipsy makes you regen faster and also affects song strength.

Being drunk actually seems to make it worse, i think.
It might just be a slight difference but I did a differnce.

For example, It would bring Battaglia up by a +1 when I was tipsy as
opposed to sober. The difference between sober and drink is a little
different. In the younger years I noticed a large differnce, it would
sing at the same level as being sober. But in the later years I'm not
entirely sure on the effect. More testing to be done.

The last one I can only speculate. I would have to assume that 2 points
in charisma would make a huge difference. But what do I know. :P
32373, RE: From my experience.
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tipsy/drunk both enhance mana regen from what I have seen, while I think tipsy enhances song level slightly where as drunk does not. Bagatelle is a great way to test song effectiveness, since it has hp you can tell just ho subtle some changes are, where as songs like battaglia might change but still give the same bonus because the change was not significant enough.

Drunk I tended to not see bringing any negatives compared to sober, outside of the - dex, but it would make sense that it would be harder to sing perfectly when drunk as opposed to tipsy, so it may equate to sobriety for effectiveness. Which is why there are edges, so you can drink more and stay tipsy, or not drink at all and be like you were tipsy.

I never noticed age playing any part in song effectiveness, just rank. Charisma points make quite noticeable differences as well. Which is why arials get sky song, wood elves wood song, and elves elven romance, to help them sing a little better in certain situations, where as humans with their 23 sing well everywhere. I'd equate each point of charisma to a level, but since differences are curved, 20 to 21 is probably not as big an increase as 21 to 22 and 22 to 23 being the biggest change. I think an Imm said somewhere the curves are not really designed for 25 charisma characters, but on that I might be wrong.