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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectDual Wield vs. Blind/Disarm: Which hand holds the sword...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=3229
3229, Dual Wield vs. Blind/Disarm: Which hand holds the sword...
Posted by Skarr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last night, had some great fights against Tierney. Really fun stuff where no one died, I spent a lot of cash healing, and we both almost got each other a few times (Him getting me more often).

One thing that I found odd however is that when I was dual wielding swords, I'd get blinded somehow, whether by dirt or blindness dust, and disarmed in some manner: now, much to my surprise (This is my first real dual wielding character I suppose) when I'd lose my primary weapon due to being disarmed, or strength loss after kotegashi and kansetsuzawa, I wouldn't automatically move my secondary weapon into my primary hand. To me it seemed almost logical to have the secondary weapon move to the other hand, but every time I'd lose the primary and type in something like: jab, it'd say 'You cannot jab without wielding a sword as your primary weapon.'

Obviously, Balance of the Sisters legacy would deal with this, but it seems to me that if I were a warrior, and I had something in my hand, that I could pass it to the other hand rather quickly and almost automatically. Other equiptment, or getting stuff out of inventories? Sure, no problem there, since there'd be scabbards, straps, buttons, tie downs etc that you'd need to undo and doing that while blind would be a lot tougher (thus a Legacy to deal with that as well). Maybe it's a game mechanics item, or a balance issue.

Same topic being, offhand disarm: Works great for warriors to get rid of that dual weapon, but for those that don't get the skill, it doesn't make sense that they could just stand there fighting someone, disarm their primary weapon, but not be able to touch their secondary weapon because it's in an off hand and they don't have the skill. Someone's got a weapon in their hand, and they're hitting with it. Doesn't that hand become the primary hand and thus should be susceptable to disarm?

I don't know, any thoughts: Gameplay-wise, if blinded, dual wielding, and you lose your primary weapon, should or shouldn't your secondary weapon automatically become the primary?
3230, Old issue
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Poke around on the bug boards long enough you'd find it. There are a lot of issues involved, not the least of which is it is a coding nightmare to truly fix. From what I've been able to garner, anything that doesn't involve a ton of coding only addresses some of the issues.

For example, if your dual wield is lighter, then when you pick up and rewield the original primary weapon, you'll only have one weapon (since wielding a heavier weapon removes the lighter one rather than automatically moving it to the dual wield slot).

I believe Zulg was looking into having multiple commands to address the issues, but since that never reached fruition I suspect it turned into a bigger nightmare than originally anticipated.

Bottom line is learn to live with the fact that when you are disarmed, your primary wield will be punching and your dual wield stays the same.