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Topic subjectHow many times
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32105, How many times
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
does it usually take of killing the same character before you feel bad for it? It might be because of talent, an easy matchup, raid or retrieve situations, etc.

Even if I don't loot a single thing, I start to feel a little sketchy after the second kill in a 1-3 hour session. I feel like I'm padding my pk ratio or unnecessarily taking con from some poor sap (even though I know said char isn't a poor ole sap but is a decent player).

But I don't feel bad for killing a guy one night and rinse/repeat the next, and the next, and so on. What's the difference?

At what point do immortals frown on it? At what point do players frown on it?
32114, You're probably talking about me...
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I don't care. I quit if I'm getting tired of getting killed. It's just a game and I normally play characters that are more concerned with dying. But in the end if I'm getting frustrated or losing con too fast, I just quit. It's an amazing feature and I don't think anyone frowns on you quitting after getting your junk from your corpse.
32112, RE: How many times
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm basically in the same boat as you. If I kill someone, then I mentally move them to the bottom of the list of people I'm actively hunting. If I happen to come across them anyway, usually I just walk away. Sometimes I even extend this to people who've been killed recently by someone else in my cabal.

Some exceptions to the rule:

1. The guy has gear I want that I missed looting the first time he died.

2. He's done something douchey enough to make me want to kill him repeatedly.

3. Raid/retrieval situations.

4. The fight in which he died was fairly close. This represents more of a "tie" than a "win" for me, so I don't feel like he should resent being attacked again.

5. I'm playing a class that directly benefits from killing people, such as a lich (yeah, fat chance of that) or anti-paladin. In the latter case, I'd only go after the guy again if he was actually worth charges the first time, and if I'd killed someone else in the interim. (To avoid the charges being nullified by anti-multikill code.)

6. Dude attacks me or attacks someone I have an interest in protecting (and who has at least a modest chance of losing the fight).
32118, Yeah...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brings back memories of Waserax and Hunsobo walking around, seeing someone like Xinrithil on Eastern, and the debate:

We have his cabal item already.
He came for it and died (or died when we took it, or whatever).
He's really got very little chance against summon/bash.

So we'd just keep walking to wherever we were going.

Was it good Imperial RP? I dunno. We tried to RP it off in various ways. But I sure felt better about it, OOC, than the few times when someone (possibly Xinrithil) DID get multi-killed for some reason.

On the flip-side, it really sucked, as Woldrun, when Ahtieli and Gzurweeg had the Head, and I kept getting killed trying to retrieve, but that role just didn't really allow for completely giving up and going and sitting in town somewhere. And I don't fault the Imperials for killing me, either, btw. Just one of those bleh situations (not really bleh for Gzurweeg, he got like 20 or 30 charges. :(
32130, Reminds me of when I was playing Zephon :(
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never forgave you and Isildur. :P lol
Woe is Zephon.
32109, RE: How many times
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I smoked someone, I don't like to kill them a second time in that 1-3 hour session if they're avoiding me. Depending on the characters involved I might try to RP out of it, or if completely letting them walk doesn't fit the RP (e.g. a Rager letting a mage go) I'll attack and try to give them plenty of opportunities to flee.

Raids are different. If they're in the cabal area, it's fair game.

Hutto, the Sleepy Nitpicker

'Sorry, I'm not 72323slhlst. Or however you say Elite'
32106, RE: How many times
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont care if someone kills me dozen of times in 1 hour. Its good way to learn something new about PK. Though I experienced this only once, a lot of years ago, with one of my first chars, when I was the only one from Fort who had the balls to retrieve against odds of Imperials. I piled my corpses everywhere in Imperial lands.

As for killing someone, I dont really care. I wont hunt someone who I'd killed already recently, but if he comes to retrieve - its his choice.
32107, I don't actively hunt people I can kill easily...
Posted by TheProphet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't actively hunt people I can kill easily and I don't usually chase them if they attack me and then run away.

It's a bit different in Raid/Retrieval situations - if you come, you die :)
32115, Three basic situations I find myself in.
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And these assume I could kill someone of course.

1) Regular random encounters I do not initiate I generally leave alone afterwards, so if I win I'll make a point of not trying to engage them again anytime soon. At least not during the same log in if I can avoid it.

2) In cabal raid/retrieval situations, nobody gets a free pass on a retrieval attempt. If they can't win and they keep trying, you aren't left with much choice but to kill them, until they stop coming. Yes when I'm caballed doing that makes me feel bad still (Like Omsomqua being the only nexan against 5 villagers- most of those times I would just let others fight him and leave him alone). Same with raiding, if they keep doing that. Some people will throw themselves at you and there is not much you can do about it.

3) Enemy Cabal members I might hunt a little bit more often even if I have killed them, if they can give a good fight and its something we both might have fun in and not just a one sided beating every time. (if is is one-sided than I'd try to aovid hunting them a second time.) But if someone is an uncaballed or herald for example, and an enemy of the cabal based on race/class/evil alone, I might kill them if I come across them, but once is enough for me for usually a good long time. I think people who are heralds/uncaballed are so for a reason, and while that does not exclude them from PK entirely, I tend to let them go about their business, unless they're a jackass.