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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCouple thoughts on the skill costs.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=31973
31973, Couple thoughts on the skill costs.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glimpse is too expensive. It should be one point. Honestly. What's it do that a key or a lockpick wont show you?

Improved hide... It needs to be at most 2 points unless it's going to do more than what it does. I would suggest to future thieves, this is not a cool skill.

Covert... 1 point skill. This is all but useless.

Veil of Secrecy needs a longer timer.

Not sure what that Arcane Lore was good for or doing. Didn't use scrolls much.
31974, RE: Couple thoughts on the skill costs.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Glimpse is too expensive. It should be one point. Honestly.
>What's it do that a key or a lockpick wont show you?

Isn't it one point? That's what I have in my spreadsheet.

Also- It may cost what it does just to make that particular path work out right expense-wise. If glimpse were made cheaper then the next skill would probably be made more expensive by the same amount.

Only the non-path skills really have their cost directly tied to their "value".

>Improved hide... It needs to be at most 2 points unless it's
>going to do more than what it does. I would suggest to future
>thieves, this is not a cool skill.

Yeah. I'm not super enamored of improved hide either. Its better now than it used to be, though. Formerly it wouldn't work on cb.

>Covert... 1 point skill. This is all but useless.

Its pretty niche, yeah.

>Not sure what that Arcane Lore was good for or doing. Didn't
>use scrolls much.

From my perspective, playing a thief without scrolls is like playing a mage without wands. (Unless you're doing Battle Thief).