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Topic subjectThis is a new concept I came up with for a new class..
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31722, This is a new concept I came up with for a new class..
Posted by AlphaQ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel free to post Ideas/dislikes and name changes and what not.
This is what I came up with so far...

Chaos Knight

The chaos knight despises order and all it stands for. They will find them selves better situated for those who take a more orderly path, less with neutral, and not nearly as good against chaotic hearts.

I invision them to be sorta like warrior priest/caster one of the two. Needint Empowerment or not is up to the Imms.


Hand to Hand
Exotic weapons- The Chaos Knight can make better use of exotic weapons.

Shield block
Blind Strike- A random strike for random damage
Second Attack
Third Attack
Some sort of weapon abilities kinda like anti paladin...
Fast Healing

Chaos Bolt- Random element
Allignment check- What ever the current spell/sup is fine for this
Chaotic heal- Chance to heal self greatly, or heal opponent minorly
Blindness of the mad- Random tick (1-10 or something like that) on blinding opponent
Fire storm- Some sort of room fire that has the potential to spread
31725, Eh
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some of it sounds ok. Some sounds OP as hell.

Maybe if the AP class were branched out, I could see this being an option.

Orrrrr, maybe a chaotic-neutral-only option. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. The only thing you can count on is that you just can't count on them.

And a resounding "no" on giving another class some form of blindness. ####, people, aren't you all sick of that ####?
31726, RE: Eh
Posted by AlphaQ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-And a resounding "no" on giving another class some form of blindness. ####, people, aren't you all sick of that ####?

Kinda, though Thats why I thought of more of a random duration.

-Orrrrr, maybe a chaotic-neutral-only option. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. The only thing you can count on is that you just can't count on them.

That seems like a better option than good/evil, would be nice to see a neutral only class.

And with the Op skills its downfall is it has a chance of blowing back in your face or something...

This all was just a early morning before going to sleep put togeather