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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectQuestion for Roleplay Idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=31361
31361, Question for Roleplay Idea
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would it be absolutely terrible to play a paladin like...say...some Anakin type of guy? Who eventually turns because of some event that'll take place in the game? I've been thinking of playing an align change character for a while, but I want to wait until I get in higher ranks, and if something big happens, have it affect me in such a way. Just looking for some thoughts. Any criticism is welcome, I won't complain.
31362, RE: Question for Roleplay Idea
Posted by sorlag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's been said before: It's doable, but by no means easy.

It all boils down to the fact that even with stellar RP, you're very (very!) likely to live a portion of your life without your supplications (or songs, spells, etc).

Assuming you've got the role and chops the play it, the hardest part will probably be suffering through that penalty phase where you're mechanically nerfed. You may also suffer the wrath of a spited immortal patron, the scorn of betrayed cabal mates, etc.

It's a classic concept, but one that mulches the fun stick for most people.

Without any actual experience playing such roles, I would think going evil is easier than going good, simply because it's probably easier to sell your soul to some evil deity or devil in return for rewards of power than it is to convince Baerinika that you're worthless scumbag ass is anywhere near redeemed, but I'm sure either paths would put you through your RP paces.
31374, Probably tough to do
Posted by Kalisda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it could be done, and I did see somewhere there was an evil paladin, though I forget when he turned evil. And then there was Ariku who I think was neutral briefly, but she lost her sups as I recall. Most recent change over I think was Baog, the fire giant ranger in the fort. He had a rough go of it though, but he also took massive flaws.

It can be done, but yeah, it will be tough to ride out that part of being crippled. Maybe if you don't make a lot of enemies, so going from evil to light, might make it easier to survive. But if you're going that route, probably have a plan of some sort, don't just go around as an elf and randomly start casting nova on your elf friends for no reason and be surprised for losing all your spells and never really having a chance to get them back. Would be bad ass to be a paladin and evil cause I find them a quite strong class to play. Kind of like a whitecloak, so fanatical you start cleansing everything because nothing lives up to your standards, you'll be evil, but not technically evil.

Role and solid rp will certainly be your best friend in making the process as quick and painless as it can be, though I imagine the imms won't make it easy on you.