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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEdge points
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=30018
30018, Edge points
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just curious how edge points work. I have been saving for certain edges that normally are always sitting at the top of the list and I finally have them available. My question is, if I did not choose one right now could I accumulate a bunch of points and then take more then one high cost edge or do you need to work your way back up the ladder everytime?

Thank you all.
30020, How it works
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since either I didn't understand your question correctly or the guy below me didn't, I'm just going to explain how it works, and you can draw your answer from that.

If you have two high-end edges that you want, and both cost X edgepoints.

You currently have X edgepoints.

You can take one of them, and your edgepoints will drop to zero, and you can go get more edgepoints in the various ways.

OR you can save your edgepoints, go out and get more edgepoints, until you've got 2X edgepoints, then come back and take them both.

Think of edgepoints like money, and edges like items at McDonalds. You have dollar, so you can get the value menu fries OR you can get a McDouble, or you can wait until you have two dollars, and go back and get both a McDouble and a value fry. Either way, the two items together is 2 bucks, or one or the other is a buck.
30021, RE: How it works
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I read it right, his post indicates a concern about losing edge points. Maybe I'm wrong. But if so, then the answer is no, you don't lose any by picking an edge. If you pick a high cost one and have some left over, you keep those left over edge points. So in Daev's example, if you have $1.25 and buy a value fries, you still have that 25 cents left and only need 75 cents more to buy the other one. Just like you'd need 75 edge points (made up numbers) to get that other edge.
30022, RE: How it works
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All edges have a cost. Using points up doesn't make the cost of other edges go up higher. However, there are some edges that you can take multiple times, and each time you take those particular edges the cost goes up. Devious Versatility is an example.
30019, RE: Edge points
Posted by _Magus_2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Work your way up the ladder every time.

If you have five edge points and you use three, then you'll have two edge points. If what you want costs 8, you'll then need to find a way to accumulate 6 more edge points.