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Topic subjectLearning Alot; Few More Ranger/Savage questions??
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29883, Learning Alot; Few More Ranger/Savage questions??
Posted by NewbieRanger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am reading all these posts and putting up notes, so all the help is good. I can't go to help files, but what you think about terrains? Can a felar like swamp?

I dont even know the different terrains to pick from, so can't even give you a few to choose from. So, I dont know which to choose from for a felar savage.

Other questions about outlanders;

1. They dont like any metal? You cannot use any metals on body? WHat if you do, will it make you drop it?

2. If you can't use metals for armors, I think savage might be best for me, because I do not know of many pieces of armor that are not metals. So, do you think a savage might be best for me to start off with?

3. Rangers are better the longer they stay in the woods for skills like creep, ambush, ect... The longer they are in the woods the faster one can creep north, ambush (player). IS there a running talley to this? How do you know or do you just try it out?

4. Fast camo?? Is this an outlander skill or do all rangers know this? Also, is this affected by how long you are in the woods, and how fast you can camo? I've fought rangers who flee from me and are instantly getting herbs, and ambushing me again. Does it have potential to go that fast?

5. Predator stance with felar claws?? This seems pretty deadly, but I have to have my spear removed and in the stance before it works? Or, can i do the predator stance, and then wield the spear just incase i get disarmed? But, you said there is absolutely no defense while in that form. Does that mean that offensive shifter and predator stance are same? Can you flee out of this stance?

6. Is a savage a good build for one who will do alot of raiding/retrieving? Or, is a felar savage build just someone who'll need to stay in the woods? My only thing is that I might need to be effective outside the woods sometimes.

7. Do Savages get savage blow and bearcharge? Are those the only two lagging moves a savage has?

8. Buying things as a ranger. Do you go into the cities and buy them, or do you have to find ways to barter for everything? Like detect invisible preps, food. Oh, you get butcher for food. You pretty much just stay out of the cities because that way of life isn't for you. You are more of a primitive beast? I get it.

9. WHat about a savage who has forsaken clothing? Only him, and his spear, and the woods. The more mud on my body the stronger he is, right? I'm just thinking of roles right now, and this one keeps coming up.

I do appreciate all your help guys, I am learing alot.
29885, Much you need to figure out by doing.
Posted by Many Rangers on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Savages don't like metal, Outlanders are not bothered by any in general except adamantite. Though some disdain forged metals as part of their roles because of the damage of mining to the earth.

2) You have to explore to find non-metal armor but there's a good bit of it around.

3) You need a significant proportion of time in the wilderness for maximum effectiveness for a lot of your ranger skills. Explorers are the exception to this rule but there are limits. The most obvious difference comes from the speed of camouflaging but there are others.

4) Fast camo simply refers to the speed with which you can enter a command following the camo command. This gets shorter as the proportion of time in wilderness increases.

5) PS with claws is okay but it only works when both paws are empty. It's an automatic skill so it will kick in when disarmed of a spear/staff. There's no parry with PS but you still can dodge.

6) Explorer is probably better for raiding/retrieving because ALL of the other cabals are in civilized areas (except outside Fortress and Nexus which are mountain and water wilderness respectively but the Outers are still in civilized).

7) They get savage blow and some terrains keep bearcharge, others lose bearcharge (like swampdwellers).

8) You don't really need to buy anything as a ranger. As an Outlander you wouldn't want to use merchants in cities anyway.

9) A naked savage is not stronger than a clothed one. Smear mud has limited usefulness (and I'm not positive it really does much at all). The point is that the other Savage bonuses can somewhat mitigate not wearing clothes. I've had a Felar/savage that ran around mostly naked at hero (wore necklaces and bracers only I think) and was somewhat successful though not a PK machine.

Just sort of picture what you want to do with a ranger and go that way. No matter what you choose you'll learn a lot and figure out if it's a type of character that suits you or not. I tend to really like rangers (with bards and druids close seconds) but your mileage may vary.

Good luck!