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Topic subject | Ever consider making water forms a little stronger? |
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29564, Ever consider making water forms a little stronger?
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I mean in the lower tiers. Rare is the form that is actually decent. Penguin seems fine as it has feeding and alert. Great utility with its amphibious nature. But when you start looking at Swan(trumpet and peck? 1 attack per round?) it isnt so good. Not to mention they dont really do well in their given terrain for ranking. (Hasted fish in coralhead FTW?)
It would be nice to see these forms actually do well in their limited terrain.
29665, I am playing a water shifter and the power currently does not offset the inconvenience of it being a water form at any tier.
Posted by Semaphore2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29591, Tried a few times....
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They are pretty dismal considering all the limitations they have. Zhulg did oblige partially when I played my last water shifter. Manta Ray - got buffed up defense and the other forms got niched into either Offensive or Defensive (and buffed up). Unfortunately they still lack any real oomph in their domain (cut-off, pounce-like abilities would be nice.) I still argue that you should not have to ABS and use other preps to stand toe to toe agaisnt villagers or other skilled players, with the majority of the forms. It was pathetic playing Mogrin and having an unprepped Dark-elf warrior hunt me underwater, causing me to have to flee and prep to even hold my own. (even then having to flee and rest.) Water forms should inspire some fear under the waves at all ranks.
29615, Would you consider it too OP
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
to give the third forms(28-30)fast swimto? Or even the secondary. At the expense of more mvm drain?
29628, Current swimto lag is rediculous...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its dangerous swimming to anyone that can maladict you or worst yet sleep you. Most enemies just walk past you while you sit there waiting to swim again or murder.
One would think a seal or shark could out maneuver a dwarf dressed in a suit of armor, paddling a raft along the Aryth.
29565, Here are some ideas I had.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anywhere the quench command can be used (maybe a couple exceptions) let them shift. Orca in the Fountain of blood! Aaaaah!
Make the dry river bed seasonal. I.E. It floods.
Run a river through the open plains with maybe a 3x4 room lake out there.
Connect the Nanthor to the river in the vale and fix the broken space between it under the arial city and where it picks up in Udgaard.
Prehaps more underground rivers that link water areas.
I'll likely never play a serious shifter as they are only out-gayed by the people who play them, but thought I would post.