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Topic subjectSeveral shapeshifter forms
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28445, Several shapeshifter forms
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I am uncertain where Zulghs Corner went in regards to shapeshifter forms but here are some thoughts on some forms:

Jaguar: Give them creep and low lag on moving with it. The form then is desirable to me, at least.

Silverback gorilla: Give it the bonus other monkey forms get. They move much faster in Forest. I feel they also lack something that makes them offensive. Maybe give them a pummel attack like howler. Or just merely cutoff in forest. Or forest tracking.

Wildcat: Unless you are utility major I cant imagine this form is actually desireable. Remove heavy lag on creep and remove forest tracking to compensate?

Vulture: Lower damage slightly and give it two attacks. Make it compete with falcon and eagle in air. That way instead of one hit you get the chance of two with carrionfeed. Also have it chance to give plague rather than poison?

Bat: make bite one round. And allow it to fly indoors. I believe it cannot.

28446, RE: Several shapeshifter forms
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I am uncertain where Zulghs Corner went in regards to
>shapeshifter forms but here are some thoughts on some forms:

It went the same place Ask An Immortal, and previous revamp forums did (thieves, rangers). Away. It's time is past.

>Jaguar: Give them creep and low lag on moving with it. The
>form then is desirable to me, at least.

I don't really think jaguar needs anything else.

>Silverback gorilla: Give it the bonus other monkey forms get.
>They move much faster in Forest. I feel they also lack
>something that makes them offensive. Maybe give them a pummel
>attack like howler. Or just merely cutoff in forest. Or forest

They are #3 in total damage output for offense forms, and have an area attack (which can drag things out of hiding/camo/invis). Again, I don't really see the need for any additions, especially since I removed the IMM_BASH from nearly every creature in the game.

>Wildcat: Unless you are utility major I cant imagine this form
>is actually desireable. Remove heavy lag on creep and remove
>forest tracking to compensate?

The ability to hide & camo & move while in that state? How is that only for "unless you are a utility major".

>Vulture: Lower damage slightly and give it two attacks. Make
>it compete with falcon and eagle in air. That way instead of
>one hit you get the chance of two with carrionfeed. Also have
>it chance to give plague rather than poison?

I've got a couple ideas kicking around, and one of them is to put it on terms damage-wise with falcon/eagle.

>Bat: make bite one round. And allow it to fly indoors. I
>believe it cannot.

That is by design. All forms that have the ability to see all have that limitation.
28448, Several shapeshifter forms
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

In regards to jaguar. I would never want that form because it has no lag option. And its major focus unless you are utility major is too hard to setup to be good. many people I discuss with agree, hey dont want jaguar.

Silverback on your list was a rerolled form as high. I just have never seen a successful or scary silverback, ever. And no one ever
wants to roll this form. The current guy who has it for a longer time said he would reroll that form given the chance.

As for wildcat. Lag on creep is just so stupid. Spider moves fast on several terrains. Third tier. And with same enliven can do the same thing. And it can camo when you need. You can just move a few blocks and camo again. The same thing I would do as a wildcat.

As for bat. Then I guess I would just always reroll that form. As would many others. Its just not very good and i have no other suggestions for it.

Anyone else?

28457, RE: Several shapeshifter forms
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for bat. Then I guess I would just always reroll that form. As would many others. Its just not very good and i have no other suggestions for it.


Yeah, that's not very good at all. Anyone else needs to become provost or justiciar, put in multiple hundreds of hours, and if someone else is in that spot...too bad, you just waisted hundreds of hours.

Or, you can be a shifter, and get one of these see-all forms.

Every single one of your suggestions seemed to be "These shifter forms need to be better in warrior-style stand-up fighting" with maybe a little bit of "Oh, let me be a ranger creeping about and ambushing too"

If you can't see anything good in having a form that SEES ALL...I think you are hopeless.
28458, burrowing owl, fox, owl. ntnt
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
28478, what i think would make the vulture cool
Posted by laxminator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it would be cool if the vulture went more in the direction of the old school alligator. It has one attack and it hits very hard and it has real poopy defenses as an air form. This would make it significantly different playstyle ways then a falcon or eagle yet still really be a predetor type bird. I mean I guess the carrionfeed and corpse scavenging stuff is ment to make it more utility but I am just saying shifters already get locate object and being able to bypass physical resistance is marginally less useful an ability as a form that really doesn't do very well melee wise.

I think the plague would certainly make it more utilityish in a meaningful and interesting way.

As for damage increase obviously not as strong as the shark or alligator but maybe an oblit at the top end on purely unprotected foes. Drop it down to lowest level of skill evasion and maybe high end of average dodge ability. minimal or no dam redux.
28483, Zulg you ever read my ideas about Vulture?
Posted by TMNS_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the old shapeshifter forum?
28484, Yes
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And here they are again...I don't know that there is anything that jumps out at me here.

My first idea was to make it like the shark. Instead of hitting for DEVA's, make it hit for OBLIT's. Just up the damage like you did for the utility forms. Cobra's hit Oblit's now(which is kinda crazy btw)!

Two, since there is an edge that lets a shifter gain some health back after killing a PC, how about making carrionfeed work like darkfeast on a PC corpse. IE Allowing it to heal health/mana a small amount if you carrionfeed a PC corpse.

Three, maybe make it's carrionfeeding (when it gives Poisonous bite attack, not acidic bite) poison people you are fighting (you may have already changed this).

Four, along that same vein, maybe allow them a special attack that works like an assassin's wicked poisonous dagger (IE a vulture rakes a talon along your arm, the wicked pestilence bubbling in your wound; and you get a low level low duration poison).

Five, maybe give it a bit more dam redux.

I'll think up more ideas when I get the heat turned on in my apt.
28489, Vulture ideas:
Posted by tngni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The vulture should gain some sort of advantage from fighting weak(ened) prey. Some ideas:

The vulture can see anyone hidden/camo if they are below x% of HP (the vulture senses the scent of blood)

The vulture can pounce on hurt players, if they are below x%

The vulture has a skill that strikes the vital organs of someone who is too weak to defend them, only works below x% but can possibly silence, cause some sort of light bleeding on each step, cause emetic poison, etc.

When vulture flies into the overarea he has a chance to sense any badly hurt prey on the same continent.

Vultures can peck and feast on corpses, possibly giving a very long lasting small bonus (+1+1 for player levelx5 hours), or refreshing moves and mana.

Vulture can "circle" an opponent, this means that while he is in the overarea he will see any changes to the opponent's health.

28539, Some really cool ideas here. (nt)
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM