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Topic subjectA queston For the Imms....
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28303, A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What is your top favorite class/race to play, and why? Also what is your Least favorite class/race to play and why?
28315, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fav classes bard, warrior, transmuter. Healer was pretty fun too. Like classes with more tactical options. Don't like shifters and conjies for that very reason. Don't so much like classes that require more caution too like assassins and rangers.

As for races, don't really have huge prefs here. But I do like me some wood-elf and felar. Don't so much like playing fire giant and orcs..probably int plus rp related.
28314, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Half-elf Healer or Gnome Shifter (defense major, variable minor).

Half-elf Healer because:

Higher int, not full iron vuln and easy to prep/gear to be effective. I, in general really like the class due to the various RP situations it puts me in as well as group vs group PK.

Gnome Shifter because:

I find shifters just as easy to gear and relatively easy to prep for. Although, I have limited experience with the wand system and zero experience with the "new" system, but I don't think it would be so terrible. I always like to have defense due to the regen properties and dam redux.

Least Favorite:

Any giant warrior - because:

I just can't handle playing "dumb" races. I do not like to practice. I like to gear quickly and go, and I just don't see myself ever doing that with a giant warrior. Maybe I could be ok in battle, but I simply haven't tried battle as of yet. I like recall potions way too much (amoung other things).
28311, Obvious answer...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...would be giant warrior.

But that's not necessarily the favorite class/race. It's definitely the most successful, because my playstyle and relative lack of pk (win) ability when I can't get some form of command-denial are quite evident.

I find myself liking elf warrior pretty well too - STSF is nice and all that.

I haven't actually played a lot of mages recently - Fobrin the elf invoker, Bonthos the giant warrior-who-happened-to-have-unholy-blessing, some gnome trib shifter...

I guess I generally prefer being able to tank for a group and/or myself.

Least favorite classes is tougher. I like the thought of all the classes, but I have trouble being successful with ones that have "too many" tactical options. Druids and bards are especially the case here. With giant warrior or whatever, I can quickly think of the best tactical option and apply it, usually (not always bash, either)...but when I'm playing druid or bard I'm always like ok what should I do first?

I probably just need to play 2 or 3 of one of those classes in a row and get a feel.
28312, Wait a sec....
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...you had unholy blessing ON A WARRIOR?

28313, RE: Wait a sec....
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, he was an A-P. The joke went over your head. :P
28308, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a boring answer, but there isn't a class I don't like playing. I think I've played them all into hero range at some point or another. I even enjoy healer in the right circumstances.

Race-wise, I tend to play the half-races the least. I'm not so much about moderation, so if I'm taking an XP penalty I tend to want it to be a big one. I don't tend to play svirf or gnome either, despite imming one -- when I do I get frustrated pretty fast typically.
28309, Tell me about it!
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rocked my first ever Svirf warrior and really wasn't all too impressed with the combo, to tell you truth.

But oh well, some people can make things like that work and I can't :)
28310, That's funny...
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When ever I feel I have been in a rut and not doing well with my PCs, I make a Svirf Warrior to make myself feel better. Maybe because that was my first ever PC here though and the one I feel most at home with.
28305, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like high efficiency/survivability classes so...

1.) paladin - preferably with hope/ret as virtues
2.) druid - great class with a lot of varying tactics
3.) bard - just a fun class to play with a mixed bag of tricks to keep it interesting
4.) ranger - This is for just blowing up lowbie pk to vent stress
5.) shifter - though i usually play these naked
6.) Transmuter - I've only played 1... Warnal, and I enjoyed it quite a bit, but it was pure rp character.

least fav

invoker - F spamming
warrior - let someone else tank
necro - I lack the pk ability to make this fun
conjie - never had one over 10
thief - never tried one successfully

Race depends on mood at char creation and role, but pretty much it has to have infravision, but arial flight is nice.

Oh recently I've discovered orcs, and I gotta say this might one day go to the top of favorite race/class combo.


everything else
28306, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's funny that your first two cabal preferences are direct enemies of the cabal you oversee. Heh.
28307, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well sure, then I get to fight those guys.
28304, RE: A queston For the Imms....
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bard is always my favorite class to play. That's probably followed by paladin. Both can be very independant or good support characters and that just plays to my style.

Least favorite class...I actually don't like playing healer much. I don't like not being able to get anything done on my own. I've never played necro or AP or transmuter. I played a thief to hero and didn't like how fragile it was. Shifter I go back and forth on, because I like shifter but I always get bored because you can't RP much while in form.

As far as race, there's a long standing joke about my deep love for elf sword Battle, so I suppose elf is my favorite. That's followed by arial.