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27595, For Yean
Posted by Susubienko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You don't have your own forum, so I post here.
I just read Aesur's pbf and I'm a bit confused. And yeah, a bit pissed. When I played Hayim you de-powered me because I broke the law once. Once. In over 100 hours, and with an explanation for why, that once.
Aesur on the other hand had breaking the law enough a part of his character that it was noted in his PBF. But instead of depowered, you upped him. He certainly paid no price for breaking the law.
Would you mind explaining why the different treatment, please?
27599, RE: For Yean
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you recall, that wasn't the only reason why I dropped your empowerment.
Overall it's a combination of things, and each character is approached differently and accordingly. Videlea had a virtue, Aesur had none.
27596, I'm not Yean ofcourse, but
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Based on the comments, I would assume you were held to a higher standard, and as such breaking the law was a bigger issue.
Ofcourse this is speculation, so take it for what it is.
27597, RE: I'm not Yean ofcourse, but
Posted by Susubienko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, I realized I made the mistake of saying Hayim. It wasn't Hayim, it was Videlea. Hayim was Iunna paladin.
Second, and to the point, I was a fort paladin. Aesur was a fort paladin. Both squires. Both Yean followers. Why would one be de-powered for breaking the law once, and one not only not depowered, but upped?
That's what I don't get.
27598, human nature
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Explanation 1: You as a character made people hate you as a character more then videlea did, therefore when there was an infraction you were more likely to get a harsher punishment since well... people hated you so much they were just looking for any reason to return your griefing back to you.
Explanation 2: There was more in play then just the single incident of law breaking that caused the situation to not actually be the same even though you framed them as the same here.
explanation 3: Yean was in a different mood at the times of the infractions/punishments and that influenced her judgement.
expolanation 4: People learn and change over time, what may have been policy during your incidence may not have been policy at the time of the other incidence.
explanation 5: see explanation 1 again, while people may not be actually out to get you... You have developd a patern of behavior that has bled through several of your characters that simply put just rubs people the wrong way. Why are you surprised when people treat you like an asshole vs treating you like a noob? By noob I mean its obvious watching you that you know how to play the game and what your doing, while the noob may also be annoying its obvious that they are more ignorant so are treated differently then an experienced asshole (with greater ability comes greater expectations and all that jazz)
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