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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectConsidering this game
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=27539
27539, Considering this game
Posted by momodig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been tempted to try this game for a while now (years). But PVP scares me... I've never really had a PVP experience before... Generally I come from PVE muds, that have optional PVP.

Anyhow I'm going to the plunge, but I only have time for one character.

I'm not asking which character and race is best to play... I've already read over the races and classes on the website.. and concluded that I wish to try a conjuror, druid or anger, though I'm unsure of the race just yet.

I'm wondering if someone can narrow down my pick from the three so I can decide... Conjuror would like to be my first pick, but it seems they might be hunted alot.

Thanks for any advice.

Also there is there an in game map or a list of maps? somewhere

Bah, I just noticed I posted this in the wrong section.

I'll go post it in the right section, if mod can delete this post... sorry
27540, Do not play any race for conjurer but human.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unless you have very specific reasons not to use that race, the maximum charisma coupled with the low experience penalty will be best, and practically everyone and their mom will give you basic advice on how to play the class.

Do not play a conjurer unless you pick a good alignment and hopefully an orderly alignment. For a newbie, ethos won't be that big a deal but if you can get to level 35 you'll be surprised what you can live through relative to your whole life getting your ass kicked before.

Do not conjure without a circle, period. This goes along with the conjurer class forcing you to be patient. More than 80% of your fights will be won or lost based on how happy your servitors are. Conjurers also get the word of recall spell the latest of all classes.

Rangers are fine for newbies who learn to use and love camouflage, but will need to spend quite a bit of time learning how to stay in the woods (or carry more food/water than usual until level 19.) You will learn to hate faerie fire and faerie fog the first time you don't move fast enough to avoid it from a hostile mage or an experienced dark-elf PKer, which are rare in the low levels.

Druids are a jack of all trades empowerment class. No immortal will be hard on a newbie trying to get empowered as a druid, but if you want to be set all the way to 35 as far as using all your supps/skills within your first 20 hours of play, this class may not be for you if you can't find an immortal to pray to. Again, for you, human druid is probably best for the same reasons as conjurer. (no material/elemental vulns, 0 race xp penalty so only the druid experience penalty adds, decent all around stats) Druid is one of the most complex classes in the game in that there's quite a bit to explore and experiment with based on herbs and moon phases, but it's a good kind of complicated where you never feel weak and helpless because of it.

If you get used to dying alot, particularly as a ranger or druid then PK stops being scary. The worst that will happen is you die and have to wait at your pit for your corpse to decay because you didn't know where you died. As a ranger, a neutral or good alignment is fine, and any of human/felar/cloud giant/arial races are good for a new ranger if you stick with survivalist/explorer/beastmaster classes and forester/mountaineer specs (newbie rangers have little use for the scrolls skill) Other hometerrains and expertises will be rough to learn the class with for reasons you won't fully understand if you pick them right off the bat.