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Topic subjectIs it me, or are these new Familiars REALLY STRONG?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=26913
26913, Is it me, or are these new Familiars REALLY STRONG?
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Viper, Janni, and I forgot the other one. I just completely get destroyed by them, and die so very quickly to any kind of conjurer. Is this typical of everyone? let's say the conjurer has a 5-9 level advantage over you. Will you get destroyed by these creatures just because of the level difference, or are these creatures higher level than the conjurer, so you'll just get destroyed anyways?

I just dont understand why I can't do much to these familiars, and just completely get destroyed by them, and their maladictions hit me very easily. I dont know if that's because of the level difference, or if the familiar, and elemental are just that tough to beat.

Anyone have same problems with conjurers, or is it just me? I just can't beat them.
26952, Haha, me (Faeghn) and Bartis couldn't gang down that Scion Imp familiar (with conjie elsewhere). n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
27031, Since
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I now know that I won't be able to play Masigner again before she auto-deletes (especially as I'd have to start by regathering my gear, when I don't even know how I died and lost it after my internet went and I couldn't log on for 2 days, which isn't inspiring).


There was more going on there than just my imp fighting you guys. Generally speaking I was very nearby, and doing stuff each time the imp broke off from fighting you (e.g. healing it).
27037, RE: Since
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are other questy familiars afoot that are arguably more pimp than your imp.
26917, Given that this is, uh, you posting, we probably better leave the familiars alone. nt
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
26914, RE: Is it me, or are these new Familiars REALLY STRONG?
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, those new familiars are to strong, and even a warrior can't do much to this viper that deflects alot of attacks, and takes little damage. Already deleted my character. Tried to have fun with him, but multi killed by something just took fun out of it.

I'm not complaining, all I'm saying is look into these familiars. They're very strong, and on the other board, alot of them feel the same way.
26915, Depends if you are a rank 15 fire giant warrior wielding two axes = no defence
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
others tank them just fine.

26916, RE: Is it me, or are these new Familiars REALLY STRONG?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. If you're getting killed by a familiar, as a warrior, then you're doing something wrong.

2. If you're getting multikilled by a conjurer then it's probably not because of his familiar.

3. I haven't seen much traffic on Dio's about them being overpowered.

None of this means that they are, in fact, balanced. They may well be too strong. But that doesn't affect any of the above.

Besides- aren't you a guy who likes to *play* conjurers, not fight them? Roll one, get one of the new familiars, and go to town.
26948, RE: Is it me, or are these new Familiars REALLY STRONG?
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really have to agree with Isildur on this, if you're a warrior and getting destroyed by the new familiars, you're doing something very wrong. Even as a conjurer, I've had no problem with the familiar itself, it's more of a problem with being lagged with lash, and the elemental and devil kicking the crap out of me. The familiar isn't a problem at all, I can fight that solo.

IMHO, you should really spend more time looking for gear, and finding better gear, and solo ranking. Then you should have no problem tanking the familiars. But as for now, you fail.
26949, RE: Is it me, or are these new Familiars REALLY STRONG?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't mean to imply that he should always be able to BEAT the familiar. One of the more combat-centric familiars plus both familiar edges, when the conjurer has ranks on the warrior, could actually be a semi-tough fight. But DYING to a familiar? That shouldn't happen.
26957, My experience.
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was attacked by Tinsalop's ifrit as ap. I was bloodlusting in full health under aura/shield probably stoneskin, no barrier though. I had to run from it in writhing and it was just in bleeding wounds. Imagine my frustration as all that time conjie was lying nearby slept. This devil left him. Then I healed up and returned and tryed to vault him. Bleh, just bleh. Ok, maybe it's questy (it wasn't confirmed yet though), sure there were ways to avoid it(like summoning him away but I was catched by surprise) but anyway that crap seem OP to me.
26958, RE: My experience.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was attacked by Tinsalop's ifrit as ap.

Probably you shouldn't make any assumptions based on that specific familiar.
26961, Which coincidentally is exactly what's happening.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally I can think of a ton of ways to deal with him without crying about a familiar he may or may not deserve, but then I've played more evil conjurers than most of the playerbase and am just fine with their drawbacks while other folks would rather bitch about being punished for their mistakes.

Which I know is a rare trend for me relative to how I feel about say paladins, druids, deathblow and certain shifter forms, but there you have it.