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Topic subjectGood, old, bash!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=26806
26806, Good, old, bash!
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I noticed a few people discussing bash over on that other forum, and I thought I'd move the discussion here so that people who really know what they are talking about can fill in the blanks where necessary.

Bash: Its success depends on many factors, including your skill at bashing, your weight, and the relative size of your opponent. Bashing a dragon is not very effective if you are a dwarf. Likewise, attempts to bash much smaller foes will be unsuccessful.

Now, as I understand it, it breaks down something like this;

Size only affects success rate.
1 size bigger = Ideal
2 sizes bigger = Impossible
Equal size = Skill % based
2 sizes smaller ~ 99% chance to miss
1 size smaller = Possible, but at a disadvantage.

Weight affects lag consistency. I can't break this one down as readily as the size part, but being really heavy in my experience decreases the chances of only getting 1 or 1.5 rounds lag, while not significantly affecting the chances of getting the rare 3-4 rounds of lag.

The helpfile leaves me wondering if the weight of the person being bashed is largely ignored, despite that from my biased experience it does seem to matter.

This all comes with the caveat that I may be entirely wrong.
26807, RE: Good, old, bash!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Now, as I understand it, it breaks down something like this;
>Size only affects success rate.
>1 size bigger = Ideal
>2 sizes bigger = Impossible
>Equal size = Skill % based
>2 sizes smaller ~ 99% chance to miss
>1 size smaller = Possible, but at a disadvantage.

Eh. Your skill is always relevant unless bashing is impossible.

>Weight affects lag consistency.

No, except in that it affects whether you hit or miss.

>I can't break this one down as
>readily as the size part, but being really heavy in my
>experience decreases the chances of only getting 1 or 1.5
>rounds lag, while not significantly affecting the chances of
>getting the rare 3-4 rounds of lag.


>The helpfile leaves me wondering if the weight of the person
>being bashed is largely ignored, despite that from my biased
>experience it does seem to matter.

No; having more weight makes you harder to bash. That being said, probably there are some sets of circumstances in which the basher's chance to hit you is so good that it won't matter much if at all. For example, using completely made-up numbers, if the attacker's chance to bash you before your weight is factored in is 125%, your weight giving -20% is sort of irrelevant even though it's a decent modifier.
26809, Cool, thanks.
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last question, using completely made up numbers again, say 2 rounds is 60%, 1 is 20%, and 3-4 being least likely, say 10% each?

Or would you say each outcome is about equally likely?
26814, RE: Cool, thanks.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Last question, using completely made up numbers again, say 2
>rounds is 60%, 1 is 20%, and 3-4 being least likely, say 10%
>Or would you say each outcome is about equally likely?

In most cases, each outcome is equally likely.

Exceptions are things like Greeting for the attacker or shield mastery for the defender. I can't think of any exceptions that don't have special echoes associated with them.
26815, Some things that might affect the defender of being bashed:
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Harmonious equilibrium for sure.

What about concealed? Does it affect the change of actually being bashed?

Does greeting the avalanche help the person being bashed to reduce bash damage?
26816, RE: Some things that might affect the defender of being bashed:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Harmonious equilibrium for sure.

I don't really count that because it modifies just about all incoming lag, but you're correct.

>What about concealed? Does it affect the change of actually
>being bashed?

If concealed hits, the chance for bash to land is reduced slightly.

This may also be true if you're trying to bash an orc with savage feeding, or anything else that could trigger at that point. I haven't checked this but it wouldn't surprise me.

>Does greeting the avalanche help the person being bashed to
>reduce bash damage?

I want to say no (other than the counter-bash special that sometimes crops up) but without checking, maybe.
26821, Greeting the Avalanche
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you saying that taking Greeting does increase the amount of lag bash does?
26822, RE: Greeting the Avalanche
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Are you saying that taking Greeting does increase the amount
>of lag bash does?


Put it this way, your average rounds of lag from a bash with Greeting > your average rounds of lag from a bash without greeting.
26825, RE: Greeting the Avalanche
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it just me, or did you once say that GTA had no affect on bash LAG, only on damage, on being bashed, and on staying on your feet after a missed bash - and basically said that "bash lag is just that good"?
26826, RE: Greeting the Avalanche
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it's just you, or you misinterpreted what I said.

You don't get a longer lag out of GTA, exactly, more you just have a better chance to get better lags instead of shorter ones.