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25759, Explorer Resilience
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Syntax: automatic skill
An explorer encounters every manner of toxin and disease in his broad travels. As a result, he has adapted a resilient immune system that is highly resistant to whatever venom or contagion he may encounter.
How does this interact with my vuln to disease as a cloud giant?
25768, This was a trick question.
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cloud giants can't be explorers.
Now did I mean it to be a trick question, or not??
25762, RE: Explorer Resilience
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're better off in terms of making saves against disease than other clouds, but you're still vulnerable to disease.
25764, Hey Daev... please ramble
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
on villager ranger?
Muse man. Just muuuse on it.
25769, RE: Hey Daev... please ramble
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think if I were going to play a Battle ranger I'd do so more with an eye to being scout or defender and sort of a support character.
You've got a problem in that, while there's wilderness on popular routes to the Battle cabal and some in the Battle cabal, it's very possible to take the head without ever entering a camoable room.
Similarly, the inner and outer guardians of the cabals you're likely to raid are also in civilized terrain.
I think this kind of character looks pretty good in the low/mid levels, but loses a lot of its killing power near hero not exactly because of anything inherent in the ranger class, but because it can get a lot harder to catch someone in the wilderness at those levels, as play loses its XP-gaining component and focuses much more on cabal raids. Money, and therefore potions and roots and the like, become much more unlimited at those levels for many of your enemies.
Having camo is a godsend if Battle is beat down to the point that you're missing the head.
If you have snare, you will catch some people heading to or from the Village even though they have other options. In most cases, probably you can't subsequently kill them without help unless they're already wounded.
I think you have to make a grand philosophical choice between being cloud, and thus retaining some lagging ability via bearcharge (which will never be great because you can't enlarge, and will be probably not worth your time against anyone who is giant-sized at that moment), or being something that has a higher dex and thus is a better tank for the non-wilderness fighting you'll probably be doing. In the second category are some interesting options like bedouin (desert camo is a little interesting), mariner (ditto for water, but probably a bit less so), and hunter (hunter serpent strike opens up some fun tactical options.)
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