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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGetting inducted into Scion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=25617
25617, Getting inducted into Scion
Posted by mage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How does one go about doing this when there is no mortal leader? I've had a character waiting for induction for like a month now. I have 4 or 5 recommendations from mortal members (some of whom are now dead also because it's taken so long, though they were active for quite a while). I've shown up to defend the cabal dozens of times, have helped retrieve a fair number of times (whenever I'm aware the scepter has been taken and there is an inducted member who can come retrieve with me), and do plenty of pk hunting according to the roleplay I established long ago concerning my reason for application.

You might say, "seek Imm induction," but how do I do that with Scion Imms? I'm not used to playing evil chars in general, and don't have the foggiest idea how to approach an evil Imm to ask for induction. I sent a note to Mergulla long ago, and received no response. Prayed a few times during her wizlist hours with no response. Today I saw her vis so I asked her if she had time to speak with me about my application to the chasm and her response was "Maybe later." I figure, "ok, I can accept that" but I don't know if I should just wait around for her to contact me when she's ready, or if I should ask her again later. And if so, when? So I ask her if I should just wait for her to contact me and the only response I get is "No." So now I'm not sure what to do, and while I'm trying to figure it out, standing at the entrance to the chasm, she comes up (this is like 5-10 minutes later) and tells me to go away before she removes me.

I haven't ever played a scion since shortly after the fall of Masters and Empire, and it was really easy to get in back then. The whole roleplay aspect of scion has changed drastically since then, so I don't know any of the "inside" info on the cabal, and can't figure out any way to learn it without getting inducted once. I know what's written in the Lyceum, I know the history of how scion came to be (I was there when it happened), and I've explored Maethien in the past and present to learn the details about scion from those places.

So what am I missing here?
25622, Check Azuremain too for Backstory N/t
Posted by Seilclavin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25618, RE: Getting inducted into Scion
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Usually when an Imm is vis, they are busy with tells or doing something with a follower. (the reason they are vis).

Generally, you are doing the right thing though, just keep it up. Stick to it, RP and have fun. Eventually a mortal leader will be named or an Imm will get to you so long as you don't give up.
25619, A month is a long time to wait for someone to "get to me" nt
Posted by mage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25620, Haha.
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To 'stick with it' after a month is so much more easier said than done. But I still heart you Grurk, not much in the ways of advice that can be given better anyways.

Reminds me of someone, that you barely know, telling you their aunt just passed away.