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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectMorale
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=25235
25235, Morale
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly I don't think it is as subtle as the helpfile says it is.

On my own, my morale generally doesn't go higher than moderate/secure, even when I would assume it to be higher (see later).

Even with mastered abilities, the difference can be pretty huge. Going one step down, can mean that something you always thought to be very reliable, suddenly fails two, or even three, times in a row, before finally working. That's painful, more so with high self-lag things.

If it's mainly calculated based on pk success, I'm pretty much screwed. I win some, I lose some (more), so I'm happy if I can get a status quo. PK isn't nearly my main reason to play CF, so I don't mind. But, I don't want to have that fact, have serious negative effects on the other things I like to do.

Take for instance Nian, the character:

I explored a lot and got some good imm exp.

All of these things scream 'confident', to me. An in-game man like Nian wouldn't be all too much influenced by set backs. He's seen the world and knows his own abilities and flaws.

Yet, as I said, morale never really got higher than secure on my own.

Sure, it got to the max when in groups. Seen simply, you could conclude it's meant to encourage ganging. But, as I know that you don't wish to particularly do that, it just can't be that simple.

But, I'm totally clueless about what IS going on instead, than.

I understand you want to be vague about it, but any pointers would help. Thanks.
25411, except
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your morale did take a dive when things went wrong for you. You behaved quite differently (e.g. when my orc grabbed your swords to practice desecration). If Nian wouldn't suffer from set-backs, then your rp probably should reflect that. In practice, most heroes' rp shows that they do indeed suffer from their set-backs.
25237, RE: Morale
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Even with mastered abilities, the difference can be pretty
>huge. Going one step down, can mean that something you always
>thought to be very reliable, suddenly fails two, or even
>three, times in a row, before finally working. That's painful,
>more so with high self-lag things.

Morale probably doesn't have any affect at all on any of the skills you're thinking of.
25241, I'm sure
Posted by Nian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, it's more a gut feeling than science, but I think there's too much of a pattern to just dismiss it as bad luck.