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Topic subjectQuestion about anti-paladins
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24992, Question about anti-paladins
Posted by Mockley on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was curious about the different races and advantages to the class.
24994, What do you wonder?
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
THE advantage to the class is that Anti-Paladins have a potential of ENDLESS power. As they gain charges they get +hit/dam/hp/mana. And there is NO limit to how many charges they can gain. + after a certain amount of charges they gain different powers.

Races... Not much to say there... Not sure what you're wondering. Either be more specifik in what you ask, or read the helpfiles. (Ain't going to spoonfeed you. ^^ )
24995, Way to be helpful. Why even post? -nt-
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24998, True... Was a bit stupid actually... But the question was a bit vague... n/t
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24993, Quick race guide for APs
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never played a serious anti-paladin myself, but here's the sum-up.

Arial - carry a lot of wands and have some evade goodness. High int acts as a spellcraft on your spells, letting you cast them at a higher level than you actually are. Low hp some nasty vulns but perma-flight to avoid thieves. Exp penalty will make this a difficult one for beginners. It's worth mentioning dex is factored into a lot of APs skills and makes them succeed more. See lashes of the slave for an example.

Fire giant - the old stand-by because they're melee kings. Giant size with enlarge on a stick means you'll be very hard to cranial, jack, trip, etc. Will bash down most things with great success when you're looking for your charges. Low int means no bonus to spells, and very poor mana regen as you don't get trance. Some of your skills will suck too, don't bother trying lashes of the slave. Also, highest exp penalty means you'll be fighting things about 6-8 levels above you often. Be wary.

Duergar - high dex, high con, high strength, great melee advantage. Can see hidden so no problems with assassins/thieves in most situations. However, you have nasty has hell vulns and will have a big red marker floating over you saying 'paladin bait' unless you get some power fast. Low int, poor mana regen, no spell bonus and low learning rates.

Dark-elf - High int and dex, skills are awesome and spells are amazing. Good mana regen. Have all the hp of a kobold until you get a well charged weapon (which is difficult). Perma-sneak is always very nice, and your inherent counters the lack of fog/faerie fire on an AP. Beware your mithril vuln, it's still a common material for good weapons.

Human - lowest exp penalty, and so the best range for pking. Your stats are average across the board so you don't have to worry too much about focusing on either meleeing like a berserker or spellcasting like a necromancer because you'll suck at both. No vulns is nice, but you don't get any of the advantages of the other races either. Your strength will be a decent 23 though so feel free to deck yourself out in sweet gear, enlarge, and go bash happy on some people.

Halfies are somewhere between dark-elves and humans. I don't recommend them for the same reason I wouldn't recommend humans - you'll fit between two playing styles and find yourself confused by the options. Better just to focus on either sucky melee and great spellcasting, or great melee and sucky spellcasting. Halfies should theoretically be slightly more in the spellcasting division but not enough to be noticeable.

24999, Some addition from my side
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Humans are better for sitting on midranks and getting frags on all those newbs, powerranking gnome shifters in fine leather and so on.

So as a human you can just sit there and gather charges, while arials/fire giants should grow to hero and face 'heavy artillery'.

So to summarize, human is better for midranks, arial is decent everywhere, all other races - for hero.