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Topic subject2 things on Dark Elf shifters
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24852, 2 things on Dark Elf shifters
Posted by Not An Imm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like how there is a something interesting in store for Dark Elf shifters now with the new forms, whoever came up with the form ideas is brilliant. I have two minor quips though...

Firstly, is there a reason they can't use faerie fire while in form as their inherent? The message one gets now is they can't form the words necessary for magic, but I thought this was an inherent ability and not a spell?

Secondly, why do Dark Elf shifters have to choose between either going Cavefisher or Hook Horror? Would the two forms combined make them too powerful if somebody wanted to have both for RP purposes?

I am enjoying the newness factor of Dark-Elf shifters getting new toys, but really can't ever see myself playing a second one just to try the missing form I couldn't choose the first time around.

24853, RE: 2 things on Dark Elf shifters
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I like how there is a something interesting in store for Dark
>Elf shifters now with the new forms, whoever came up with the
>form ideas is brilliant. I have two minor quips though...
>Firstly, is there a reason they can't use faerie fire while in
>form as their inherent? The message one gets now is they can't
>form the words necessary for magic, but I thought this was an
>inherent ability and not a spell?

I'm 90% sure this is the way inherents work in general. Zulg can check me on that.

>Secondly, why do Dark Elf shifters have to choose between
>either going Cavefisher or Hook Horror? Would the two forms
>combined make them too powerful if somebody wanted to have
>both for RP purposes?

Elves have the same restriction with their form swap edges.

Overall we felt better letting people just pick one form swap and seeing how it balanced out before considering declaring open season.