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Topic subjectChanges to the healer
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24806, Changes to the healer
Posted by sandoval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The healer is a great class. I really enjoy playing it. Though I do wish for a couple of things:
1. Something like entwine. Too often healers are engaged by Shapeshifting tigers or lions who flee and attack or by warriors who cannot be held in battle if they are not going to win. It would be nice to be able to keep them in the room. Though, of course it would be nice to entwine and be able to heal others or self. Lash is worthless. Would it be possible to make lash more likely to work and have the lag exist more like bash?
2. A longer bulwark of faith. Too often, I have some warrior knock me out with cranial or something, waiting for my bulwark to fall. Then they bash me to death. the 3 - 4 hours of the bulwark is simply not long enough.
3. While I have little desire to kill someone, it seems like there is no way I can do anything but flee and then be called a coward. It would be nice to have something like wrath or something that would really hurt someone who attacked me. It would not be an offensive, but make people think twice about attacking.

Just some thoughts.

24813, RE: Changes to the healer
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>1. Something like entwine...

Healers aren't meant to be deathful. They are the most survivable class in the game. Also, you have gate, which is a very strong ability for your finding your enemies, making you a superb chaser and also ensures that you never have to fight when not prepared (unless you get jumped on), just return after you've had that healing sleep.

>2. A longer bulwark of faith...

You should take into account that bulwark of faith is a badass mofo. Also, the supplication that stops bash is protective shield, which lasts longer than the bulwark. You also have a anti-knockout supplication for the situations where they would put you to sleep to wait for your supplications to fall.

>3. While I have little desire to kill someone, it seems like
>there is no way I can do anything but flee and then be called
>a coward. It would be nice to have something like wrath or
>something that would really hurt someone who attacked me. It
>would not be an offensive, but make people think twice about

Put a blade barrier up. That'll make people think twice about attacking you.
24811, Wow
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The healer is a great class. I really enjoy playing it.
>Though I do wish for a couple of things:
>1. Something like entwine. Too often healers are engaged by
>Shapeshifting tigers or lions who flee and attack or by
>warriors who cannot be held in battle if they are not going to
>win. It would be nice to be able to keep them in the room.
>Though, of course it would be nice to entwine and be able to
>heal others or self. Lash is worthless. Would it be possible
>to make lash more likely to work and have the lag exist more
>like bash?

Use gate - and there are items in game that entwine. Get a group and go get it...you're a healer.

>2. A longer bulwark of faith. Too often, I have some warrior
>knock me out with cranial or something, waiting for my bulwark
>to fall. Then they bash me to death. the 3 - 4 hours of the
>bulwark is simply not long enough.

Heal someone to rescue you.

>3. While I have little desire to kill someone, it seems like
>there is no way I can do anything but flee and then be called
>a coward. It would be nice to have something like wrath or
>something that would really hurt someone who attacked me. It
>would not be an offensive, but make people think twice about

There are items in the game that instantly kill people if they fight you long enough - literally. There are things that blast dragon fire, blow explosives, impale, bash, destroy equipment, disintegrate minds, summon elementals and more. Heal a group and go find them.

You have the best explorer class in the game and you want to be more deathful? Start learning the tools of the game that practically no one can get reliably without your class and use them.

Did I make it clear enough?
24809, Healers aren't warriors.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healers are defensive, by definition. They heal ####, and they're exceptionally hard to kill. That's what they do. The class is designed to be a poor solo PKer. Just like warriors are poor healers, healers are poor warriors.

But to answer your specifics..
1. Healers get gate. Get is pretty freakin powerful, when used offensively (if you so desire).
2. Healers can't and shouldn't be unkillable. But they ARE already about as close as it gets, if you're careful.
3. You have blade barrier, which will do a pretty decent amount of damage to people attacking you. And, uh.. kick. Which can do a decent amount of damage, especially with fancy boots. Plus a lot of healers will carry progging gear which will do extra damage.

All that said, you aren't meant to be a killer. If anyone calls you a coward, it's just their RP. They know you shouldn't stay and fight. That's not what the class is designed for.
24807, No. (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24808, RE: No. (n/t)
Posted by sandoval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How about a version of Sacred Guardian?
24812, you're obviously too new to remember Taruial
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When healers first went in they came with flamestrike, nothing fancy, not even too powerful.. but it was a offensive spell. he killed everyone as a dwarf healer. the healers ability to heal/stay alive is by FAR superior to anyone elses in the game and if you add any sort of offensive prowess to that combination it becomes very ugly very quickly.
